Birthday wishes

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Hey everyone! Long time, no see. Hope everefore is doing well, and the start of 2023 has been going even better than you've expected! I know it's been going well for Harry!! Two Grammy wins and four Brits is incredible!

I know I said this chapter would be up in "48 hours" like a week ago buuuut, life happens sometimes and things aren't able to be published when I want them to. So, thank you for sticking around and waiting for this chapter. The wait is now over :)

So yeah LOL! Enjoy!!!

(sorry for any plot holes or stuff that doesn't make sense. Definitely didn't edit this oops)

 Definitely didn't edit this oops)

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Age 29 😭✨

A/N: I can't believe my baby's 29 like what the heck?!


Without fail, every year, Harry manages to make a huge deal out of his birthday. 

Being one of the few days out of the year that the boy actually remembers, Harry always insists on everyone going full out for his birthday, and -- luckily for him, his close circle of caregivers and loved ones always seem to deliver.

This year though, Harry is turning 29. While his brain isn't nearly as mature as what would be expected of an adult of his age, he's bright enough to realize that he's getting older and that that means that eventually he'll have to grow up. As much as he love cuddles and having his best friends around to help him when he needs it, he does long for autonomy and independence.

" Harry, bub, what are you wanting for your big birthday supper tomorrow??" Jeff asks as he's flicking through the tv mindlessly, his eyes barely leaving the screen. Harry's seat next to him, busy playing some loud game on his iPad.

"mmm... Dunno, maybe... Gi's lasagna?" Harry glances up at Jeff hopefully.

"First off, I'm pretty offended you want Glenne's cooking over mine, but also– I was kind of thinking more on the lines of ordering in... You know, like a fancy dinner in?" Jeff begins to explain slowly as he sees the gears in Harry's head begin to turn. "How would that sound to you? We could maybe invite Cam... Kendall.."

Harry catches the way Jeff's eyebrows wiggle at the mention of the girl, but he tries his best to ignore it without blushing. It's no secret that he's fond of the girl even though she won't seem to give him a chance– says he's, "like a brother to her."

"That sounds good!! Maybe we can have Mexican food...?" Harry asks bashfully.

"Course, bubba! Whatever you want!"Jeff smiles smally at the young man. The fact ithat Harry still thinks he has to asks for things as if he isn't a super successful millionaire truly cracks Jeff up.

"Cake and ice cream too?" Harry giggles, raising a cheeky eyebrow. "You gotta sing me happy birthday too, Foofer! And give me a hug an' a kiss!!"

"Oh yeah? Says who Mr. Styles?!"

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