Part 2 - The concept

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They are so mean. I cant believe all of them did not trust me. Why its so hard to accept i fall in love with p bible. I will find a way to meet him. I really hate my management because both me and win cant even interact with other artist. We always being prevent to mingle with others. I dont understand the concept we have. Now i am ready to fight with all KP fans. I will make one of you cry i said. Since most of them always hate me. There are so stupid hating me because they love someone else. They should ignore me, why hate me i talk with my computer. I am determine to make one of them cry today by getting the vip ticket. I hope both of us dew and me will get it. I need at least four ticket so i will allow to go the concert. There is no way i will allow to go alone.

I fall in love for the first time so i will love with all my heart. I will try to get into his heart. I am handsome enough and definitely hard to be rejected. I am so confident, i believe he will fall for me if he see me. I love him because he look so different from his character.
I scream loudly when both me and dew manage to get the ticket. Now i need to persuade that stupid metawin and p boy. He will be more lenient compare to other managers. I am glad we manage to get 6 ticket in total. So all f4 team can follow include tu my co partner in F4 the series.
I even promise to promote their latest job at my IG if they accompany me to the concert. After pleading, begging here and there finally everyone agreed to my request since this is my first time request something like this. I am glad we are allowed to skip our practice to attend the concert with so much rules by our managers.

The moment of truth. At first place i only want to attend their concert without any spotlight from media. But because i am magnet to news and always become the hot issue, their manager finally approach p boy and invite us to back stage as a formality. They are so suprise when p boy said we get the ticket ourself. All of the team so happy to see us and keep taking picture with us. But i cant focus and keep looking for p bible. Let me introduce you to the actors the manager said. I am excited and happy, because i can see love of my life.
Hi, i am bright i introduce my self to all the actors. They are fun people. All of them thanks us for supporting them. I really love healthy competition. We have a small chat and i finally cant take it anymore and ask p mile. P mile i cant see p bible, where is he i ask him. Mile look a bit reluctant. He is not feeling well, he is at the back. Really i ask sadly. He is p bible fanboy win try to cover for me. Oh, Let me see if he already wake up or not the manager said. No its ok p, i dont want to bother him i said sadly. Everyone can see my sadness. Just wait he said and walk to bible room. Come here the manager call me. Let me tell you, i have the power that make people try to fulfill my request when i need something. They just cant say no to me. Is it ok i ask again politely. Yeah come here the manager happily pull me. I walk to p bible who now getting makeup. he must be late because all of his team are ready to their concert. He look so rough with the makeup. This must be the concept. Sawadika p i greet him. He turn to me and nod being polite. I look at his face. The makeup look so real p i said to the makeup artist and manager who look worried..she nod and leave us alone. What do you want he suddenly ask a bit hard. I look at his hand and i automaticly hold his hand. Are you hurt p i ask him worriedly. No you can leave now he said after signed my ticket. But i said and before i finish my sentence he push to leave his room. This matter of death or life for me. I need to be bold i talk to myself. Once again i turn to him and boldly said. P i love you, can i courting you i ask. He look suprised and keep silent for a moment. No, now go he said firmly.

I walk to my friend sadly. Win look into my eyes and walk to me. Lets go he said. After saying good luck and good bye we go to our sit and wait for their performance. Are you ok win ask me when i look down. I nod and pretend to be ok. I dont want to spoil their mood. We come to enjoy. I can keep my sadness to myself now. As a boxer myself, i know he is injured. I am really worried now. What happen to him. Then the stage finally black out showing that the show has began. I focus on him only. Stop looking at me he said directly to me. I know i am hot he said teasing his fans. I know he first sentence are for me. What happen win ask, he seem to notice the interaction. I just shake my head and pretend to enjoy the show. It was hurt. Why he acting like a rough man. He so rough and bold. I never imagine him like this. This is his character. He must be in his character mode now, i try to comfort myself. I love silent p bible who just laugh and smile looking at his team.

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