Part 6 - Hangover

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Stop being childish win scold me. I wont let you go alone he said. But its just a bar i said. I will be with p krist. Lets go he said drag me to our team gathering. I cant believe win manage to notice me try to slip off from the party.  Then he personaly call p krist that i cant make it because today is our staff birthday party. I really forgot about this.
I call p krist again and ask for forgiveness. I forgot that i already  have a plan tonight. Its ok bright he said and i forcefully to enjoy my night.
Win i am stress so you cant drunk i said and start drinking. Win immediately change his glass to coke and just enjoy teasing and chatting.  i felt like being observe, i look around, i think i saw p bible but i am too drunk  now. I must be dreaming. Win i am sleepy i said to win. I put my head on his shoulder and sleep like dog. 

I felt my head gonna burst at any moment. I really hate  effect after drinking. My head really hurt. Win i call him for help. He come to me with a honey water. Drink this he said.  Thank you. This is why i dont like to drink.
Are you ok win ask me. i just nod and laying back. So this is how you take care of me everytime win ask feeling guilty. I just laugh at him and start my morning routine. Bai, can i stay here again today win suddenly ask me. You can as long as you want. You have my keys. What stupid question is this i ask him back. Are you still fighting with your sister i ask back. He just smile uglily. Who ask you to destroy her roses. She love it so much. It an accident he said slowly. As you wish i said and get into bathroom.

I now walking to our company. My head felt so heavy. I need nani back for support. I hate this i said to nani. He just laugh. Its because you rarely drink he said.  Are you ok now i ask him yup he said clearly. I dont think i can practice today. P toey must be angry. After half an hour of practice i cant hold it anymore. I need something for my hangover. I walk slowly to the cafe. What wrong bright p joss ask me. You look really pale. I have headache p, I need strong soup i said smiling to him. Lets go, he said hold my hand. Thank you p i said. Sit here, i will bring hot and strong soup he teasing me. I can just smile at him and drink a water. There you go, p joss put a large bowl of tom yum infront of me. Try it he said. I nod and start eating. My eyes become wider, i felt like waking from deep sleep. P joss laugh at my over reaction.  After half of bowl i felt a lot better. Here p joss wipe my mouth. Thank you p i said. Are you sure you are ok now he ask me again. I quickly nod and he leave me for his schedule.

Are you ok now win ask and sit beside me. Follow by dew and nani. I swear i will never drink again i said and make all of them laugh. Its such a stupid pain i said. Wait win said and go to dessert stall. He bought my favorite manggo sticky rice.. oh my god this is heaven. I said and thet laugh again. I really respect how come all of you are ok after drinking so much. I only have 2 glass i complaint to them.  Its ok p dew said. Lets us take care of you. As a compensation for your help before.  You are so sweet dew i said and feed him a mango. How about me win ask. Then i feed him too. Now everyone look at nani who now try to run. But dew was faster and hold him tight. He he finally open his mouth for me to feed him.  I am better now. Lets go i said. Ok p dew walk beside me hugging my hand and put his head on my shoulder. You are too tall for this i said but he pretend deaf and happily walk to our practice room.

Now  i am practising with my co star Tu. She is beautiful young lady and very sporting. We laugh and hugging each a lot because win and nani become the clown. Its hard to practice when they being stupid and funny.
This never ending joke make our trainer angry and sulky. I run to him and hug him tight. I make them appologized and settle with group hugs.

"Exhausted"  i tweet to greet my fans today. I look at my notification. P bible still not response to my tweet. I felt a bit down, but i just smile and look at my fans response . Thank you guys for being my enegizer when i am weak. I sincere said to my fans.

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