Part 15 - The ring

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Both of me and jeff look at each other. We cant decide on his reaction. Is he ok or not jeff ask. I dont know i said. He is funny but tough one jeff said. I nod agreed with him. He fight with me i said with a chuckle. Really jeff ask laughing slowly. You should look how panic he is when he saw my blood. He is crying but keep insist to help me. That was extra cute i said and smile. Jeff look at me and said are you for real. I smile, i dont know but he will never escape from his ex mafia boyfreind. That cool jeff said.
He really hate bad guy, how did he fall for mafia leader jeff said. That also a mystery for me too i said. Maybe because i am too hot i said dan make me recieved a pillow on my face. It will tough jeff said. Looking on how he behave, he will  reject you because of his dreamy imagination about his lover. I look at jeff. I check on him, jeff finally confess. I cant let some stranger get into our life just like that. I did not response to that but i agreed with his action. So i ask. He is clean as white paper. In his previous interview, he said if he have boyfriend he want someone like sarawat and pha but rich like kinn. I nod understand his ideal partner, too bad he got the worst one i said. Jeff laughing and then seriously said. He is covered now, dont worry. Thank you i said sincerely. Let the hunt begin i said. Its so exciting, i cant wait to look at his funny face jeff said. Dont be to close with him i said coldly. Oh please jeff said and leave me alone.

I walk to his room. He must be exhausted, he sleep deeply like a baby. For someone who hate bad guy, how can you sleep peacefully when one of them in your house i ask and touch his sharp nose.
I smile to his cute reaction. Its gonna be tough for you baby i said caress his face.
Then i put a ring on his finger. 
After that i cleanup all the blood trace. I dont want he scare too much.
At down i leave his house, i can see a few of my man on standby to guard him.
I nod to them, so jeff like him too much. He assign our elite team for his safety.
When i walk into my office i look his file was on my table. All his favorite and regular was cover by jeff. They must be scare of second failure. I touch my sister picture. I am sorry i said. Then i look back at his personal profile. He is like an open book. What you see is you get. He have a small circle which is good for us.
Look at how jeff react, my men already accept him. There is no way he will escape. How will his fans responnse when i keep him in my world. I need to work hard to find the culprit. I need to bring all my people to our world include him.

After a few hour of sleeping, i now getting ready for my schedule. All of us are invited. Before that i reply to my ex boyfriend and boyfriend.
"Stop thinking, wear your ring, you are mafia's boyfriend,"
I can imagine how he react.
Since his friend are with him, i dont need to check on him. He must be panic right now.

It was a fun event untill i see something that i look for. I really cant control myself if mile did not hold me. I nearly run to that artist. I try to act normal but i can help to imagine to cut her finger.who give her right to wear my sister Ring. Be cool apo said. We got her, stay calm. I cant wait for the event to end. Now all us speeding to our place. We must be secretive apo said. Please let me handle. That was the ring that i choose for her i yell at my team. Everyone was so angry but they know i am beyond angry. I need all the info tonight i said leaving the team.
Boss, pete run to me and show me bright tracker. Where is he going at this hour i yell at him. Hey take it easy, our people are there he said.

"Where are you going" i ask him immediately when he answer. "Get your ass back to your home now" i roughly talk to him and ended my call.
Pete only can look at me and i leave him alone. He want to say something but he cant. You will regret this, i heard pete scream at me.

I cant think of anything right now. I am so angry. I walk into my personal gym and start punching and kicking. I need to release some steam so that i can calm down. All my man stand queitly looking at me. I stop when my body cant accept it anymore and lay on the floor.
After 1 hour i felt calm and clean my self before go back to my office

Every one was ready and i look at the information. This is not enough i said and and i look at pete, i want every single detail, bank transaction, propertiy , family members info, i want all. I am working on it boss, give me 2 hours he said.  She has been follow and tap boss mile said.  Our people are getting info from her close friend and rival apo said. And now bright safely at home and you better call him, jeff said.
I glare at jeff and ignore his suggestion.
I keep looking at the file. I dont want to miss anything. Be patient, we can do this pete grasp my shoulder.

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