Part 9 - Ackward

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Bible,  jeff signal me when he see some one running with knife toward bright. I immediately kick him fying on the floor.
What going here. I look for my man. How can they lets this happen in our own club. They look scared and try to help. But i give a signal to stop them. I felt really angry thinking that bright might be badly injured if we are not here. I just want to kill that bastard before bright call to stop me.
I lean on the bar and ask my boy to clean up.  He look so scared but try hard to protect his friend. I dont aware that he is injured because he look fine, busy protecting his friend. I know he is scare that the bastard gang will come and harrased his friend again. When jeff pull off his jacket i can see he received a big cut. He suppose to cry now. He is the crying type. I can see he is shaking with fear but still try to help his friend. Jeff try to help him but like a light i hold his hand and help him by wrap his cut with my shirt. Thank you he said politely which sound so distance. I felt close to him since he talk to me everyday, i mean mesagge to me everyday, even i did not response.
We help him to bring his friend to their manager car. The manager look confuse  looking at 4 drunk people and injured bright. Its ok p, i can call grab to go home. Please send them home safely. I dont think i can take care of them tonight. I am sorry p he said again and again. After both car leave he turn to us and again politely bow to us. Thank you he said and walk to taxi area. He try to avoid my eyes. I can felt it. Bright we can send you home jeff said. Its ok p, thank you. He politely reject. Where this polite kid come from.  I never imagine of him like this.  Lets go i said and drag him to my car. Bible , jeff call me loudly. What are you doing he ask and pull bright who look shock. Its ok bright, we will send you home. Sorry p bible is stupid man, he said. Lets bring him to hospital first jeff said and glare at me.

Now we are in emergency room looking at doctor who carefully treat him. I am your fan he said. Thank you he said and smile. This gonna be hurt the doctor said. After cleaning the cut he received suturing to his wound. He look pale amd scare but he still not cry. You need to rest for a few days the doctor said luckily you dont have big event. So he is real fan. I thought he just try to calm him down.
If he getting a fever, dont worry just give him the medicine. Just follow my instruction. I hope the scar is not too big. I try my best doctor said again. Thank you he said again. So i will see you again after 5 days. He nod and take medicine receipt from the doctor.  We wait at the counter and he just keep silent and response shortly for jeff question.

Thank you p he said and walk to his apartment.  I drive slowly leaving his apartment. He must be hurt jeff said. It just a small cut, he wont die i said. Stupid, jeff said if you i dont even care. Its like our daily food, but for someone like him, this is big, the doctor even remind him about getting a fever. He need to eat this he said and show me a plactic of medicine. Shit he said. I forgot to give it to him. U turn he instruct me. Call him he order me again. I am annoyed but I still call him but he did not answer. I start driving fast. Jeff keep calling him but he still not answering. Call pete hack his company to get his house number i said. Really jeff ask me. Now i said firmly, i try to calm myself. Ok boss jeff said.
Now we are in front of his door, we  knocked a few time. Jeff knocked harder but he still not open the door. Move i said, why jeff ask. Before he manage to stop me. i kick the door open.  Are you crazy jeff yell. He is facing me so he cant see him half naked running to us with his towel. He must be in the bathroom.  Out i said to jeff. What he ask me.. out i said again and hold him when he try to turn. Stay outside i order jeff and get into his house. He look so suprised and keep looking at his broken door. Wear you cloth i said. That make him blushing. He must not aware how he look now. He hurrily run to his room. After a few moment he come out wearing singlet and short. Change i order him to change his cloth again. He look at me strangely but once again he change to sweetpant and t shirt. You can come in i said to jeff.  Jeff look at him worrily are you ok bright he ask. He just nod, what happen p he ask back. You forgot your medicine. You did not answer your phone and did not open the door. We knock but p bible was worry so he kick it open he said slowly.  But how can you break  my door he ask slowly. How will i sleep tonight he ask in confuse. Its ok jeff try to comfort him. We can ask, we will stay here tonight i said cut jeff words. Now is too late to look for help, i add.  Jeff look at me weirdly with smirk.  Dont worry no one will come when this bull is here jeff said. But, he try to reject my help.
I heard you are courting p bible, take this opportunity to know him better jeff cleverly said. He suddenly look so sad. No, i am not anymore he reply slowly. Why jeff ask him. Now i focus on him, I also want to know the reason he decide to stop courting me.  I am already break up with him he said.  You what jeff ask again. I know it sound not right, but i already break up with him, i already have my break up meal and tonight is my break up night but it turn bad he said softly. Do you know jeff  look and ask me. I shake my head. Cruel jeff said and pull him to the coach. How is your hand jeff ask him. Its ok he said. Are you hungry jeff ask him again.
It so weird, its look ok if metawin treat him like this. But seing stupid jeff treat him like this look so wrong in my eyes. There is no way he will be this soft and caring. Can you wait i will buy a food. P also hungry he said talking to him patiently. He nod and smile to him.

He sit silently waiting for jeff. Its so ackward but i need to know the reason why we are break up.
So you breaking up with me i ask him. He nod. When i ask him again. He look at me and look down back. Today he reply. How come i dont know i ask him. I already message you p he reply. I take my phone and check his message. Oh i said. He look so sad after that oh. I will wait for p jeff in my room he said and go to his room. Honestly, it felt like a cartoon, i really cant understand his mind working. But i felt i need to comfort him, the thing that i will never thought to do before. I walk to his room. He look to the sky at his  balcony.  Bright i call him. He turn to me quickly. Get in, you are not supposed to stay outside. He obediently get into his room. Its ok, no one will come after you i said. I really dont know how to comfort him. He is shaking with fear, I can felt it. I just stand there looking at him.
Its ok p, I am ok he said. I have no choice but try to act like his close friend. Come here i said and carefully hug him. You can cry now i said. No i wont he said but i slowly hear his soft sobs. I ackwardly pat his back. Brightttt jeff call him and stop when he look us hugging. He jaw drop and he look like a fish now. Opps sorry he said and run to the hall.
After a few moment, are you felt better now i ask. He look at me and nod. Lets eat i said and leave him alone. I really need to breath.

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