Part 3 - Sassy

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Hi i am bright i heard a soft voice introduce himself. How come a guy sound so soft and so polite to others.
Is he the famous bright who are everywhere. What is he doing here. They must be kidding and just pretend that they bought the ticket themselves. The boys are so good at acting. Trust me they will never believe it. They just being polite. I heard and felt annoy with all their conversation. I really dont want to involve with other artist. Joining this group is hard enough for someone like me. Its hard enough to tolerate with the boys, i dont want any other reason to stress out. I am here for hunting not for all this entertaiment. That stupid fans are so blind, I keep myself lowkey and the company push the main couple hard during promotion, how come they still like me. I am the most silent and always the last to react to the fans. I am not acting, i just hate all this thing. The only thing that out of our plan is, i am become famous as par as main lead. What happen with kids now day taste.
They love bad boy so much, i just smirk thinking that they wont have a happy single day living with bad guy.
There is no love that can change bad side of someone. It will only be used to be a reason of abused or to be take granted of. The world believed, love can change people from bad to good or from good to bad, but i know the reality, it will only happen on novel or movies. Not In real life, it will be more better without it.

But looking at this bright fans who still increasing since 3 years ago, i believe there is still good man or woman with normal and good judgement. There are doing good stanning this boy who look tough but trust me, i cant even relate tough word with him. He is just a young guy with so many dreams. Who will cry all days when his cat die. And the main point is why are they here. The prince from Gem attending the mafia gang concert look not right. Its like ying and yang, black and white and water and fire. I still cant find the reason for us to meet. Suddenly i heard that soft voice ask about me that make me shocked. What on earth make him ask for me. What make me more suprised is our manager, the person i personally choose act so abnormal. Is he being crazy. I hate to meet new people so much.
I glare at him when he come to meet me. Sorry boss, he look so desparate looking for you. Even mile charmed cant make him stop looking for you he said with a stupid smile. And he is really handsome. You need to learn how to look handsome he said and that make him received a kick from me. Cant he see i am covered with all the cut and bruise. What a stupid guy i cant stop cursing him. Sawadikap p i heard a very soft voice greet me. I turn to him and bow as formality and pretend to be polite. Thats why i hate to meet new people. I cant believe that he is so stupid thinking that all of my injury are makeup. And he is not total dumb when he look at my fist. Are you hurt p, he touch my hand and ask me softly with worried tone, even i spoke a bit harsh with him. I know he is not expecting it. So this is what make his fans crazy for him. He have an eyes that make you believe that he is worried about you. Trust me he is only faking it. No i said and ask him to go out after i signed his ticket. He try to talk to me but i push hin to go out. I love you p, can i courting you he ask me bravely. I think my brain stop function for a second before i said firm no to him. He look so sad but is he being stupid or crazy. On what reason he love me, as far as i remember this is our first meet. So the reason is he is here to court me in other word to hunt me. I cant believe it, it either he stupid or crazy. I can only conclude it like that.

I can felt his strong gaze from audiance. He is so focus on me. Is he being real i ask my self. Stop looking at me i said to him purposely. Then i jokingly said i know i am hot to my fans. They take it as a joke but i know he get it because he look down and sad. What the matter with this kid. So he also like young girl who dont know what good and wrong. Loving bad guy because movie influence. I really cant digest how smart people like him look so stupid now.
What wrong suddenly pete my partner whisper to me. What make you distracted. Focus he said and leave me alone. I am a bit fluster because after that one sentence he not look at me anymore. He just looking down or focus on other member that make me a bit regret for being harsh. He just want to enjoy my performance. When jeff turn to perform he look cheerful back. So he love music, i know all fans who really apreciate art or music with love jeff the artist. Until our last song he really ignore me. He look at every one except for me.

The concert already ended. But as a respect they still there waiting the lucky draw announcement. Normally normal invited vip guest will come to stage together and take a picture. But that group still stay with the fans. When i look at the invited guest. All of them wearing pass.
So they really bought the ticket i said looking at him. I can see his ticket number was called but he look lack of enthusiasm when his friend look so happy and excited. My fans now notice there are very famous people around them. They start taking picture and talking to them. He so polite and bow to our fans. He ask them to focus on us on stage and casually sit there like a normal fans. So he and nani get the lucky draw. I can see all of his team move to other side and wait for him and nani. Why i am so focus on him when i told him to not look at me. When its their turn, he walk to jeff and politely bow to him and shake his hand. He walk across me and greet me with just a small bow like others. So he choose jeff for picture. After that he leave and not look at me at all after that one sentence. He is really something, i cant help but smirk at his sassy attitude.

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