36 - Imagination

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I am still angry and look at stupid p bible. He obediently sit on the couch.
I am hurt but full of energy to scold him.
I heard everything he said while he thought i was sleeping.
I get the reason why he think like that. But how come he be so cruel at me. He throw me into pool, let me walk for a long time and purposely ghosting me.
Thanks to p bible i know the story why he cant come to me when he was drug.
I know its a trap but i dont know why he cant come to me. I thought he regret being with me after that stupid hurt night. I wont let him touch me again.
The way he push me out of his life also unacceptable. He is so stupid and mean.

Ahhhhhhhh i scream angrily. He was shock and run to me. What wrong he ask me. Are you hurt he ask again.
I am angry but i cant do anything to him.
I take the pillow and hit him chest hard. Dont hurt youself he slowly hug me. I promise you can beat me, but get well first he said. I glare at him. He is right, i felt hurt so much. But i am so angry, i need to release my anger.
Ahhh he slowly scream when i bit his arm. I bit him so hard but he dont push me away. He let me bit him.
I look at his arms. Full of my bite but i still not satisfy. I am tired now so i need to rest and sleep. I still not finish i said and he just softly laugh and touch my face.

He is like a puppy the nurse said and giggle with p bible. He just nod and smile. It must be hurt she said again. No its not he said. But he so cute another nurse said, both of you look so differ but look so good together she said again.
I know right another nurse said.
He just cutely angry, keep appologize but you need to eat too, the old nurse said. We order the food for you, so we can take a picture with you she ask again shyly. Please2 the nurse plead him. You are lucky, consider it as last picture of me being an artist he said.
I let him talk and mingle with the nurse for a while before start caughing.
Oh you are awake the nurse said and walk to me. You are so loud i whine at them. Opps sorry, your boyfriend so handsome, allow us to take picture with him she said. I just pouty and let them check on me. Everything is ok, dont forget to eat, and ask you boyfriend to eat too. If not he will die if you bit him again she said and laugh happily before leave us alone. What hosptital is this, so busy body i whine slowly and blushing hard. Lets eat he said and help me up. I look at his hand. I felt guilty and touch them slowly. Its ok he said and start feeding me. You should eat too i said to him. After you he said. No i said and push the spoon to his mouth. After finish eating he sit beside me.
I can see his eyes are teary. I felt bad too.
I am sorry he said sincerely, i love you so much. Please dont do this again. Dont hurt yourself for me. I dont deserve it he said slowly.
Will you just let me die if i am at your place i ask and look at his eyes. I wont let it happen he said touching my face. Dont worry he said, promise me dont do this again. You are lucky he is hurt because of fighting with my man before. If not i dont know what will happen he said slow but very clear. I nod but i know i will do the same thing if it happen again. He look so down and sad now. I reach out to him and hold his chin i bit him before i kiss him. His wide eyes look at me first before kissing me back.

I am now lean back on his body, i bit his chin again. Can you stop bitting me he ask. I look at his eyes angrily. Ok you can bit me as much as you want he said kissing my nose. Can we go home now he ask me. No, you chased me out i said sadly. I am sorry he said again and kiss my hair. I will pay for it for my whole life, i am ready for it he said.
Please baby, i need you he said look into my eyes. No you will leave me again, i said with teary eyes. I never leave you, i just avoiding you, i stay at our back house he calmly explain. Not seing me is as good as leaving me i said coldly. I am sorry he said and kiss me again. I wont do that again.
Promise me you will talk to me for anything i said and look into his eyes. He nod. And dont make a decision for me i said. Again he nod. And you will pay for what you did for your whole life i said and he look a bit scare but still nod.
And you cant be so rough with me, he nod and smile. Stop smiling i scold him.
I still not finish i said. He nod but still smile. I dont know what condition i give him after that, but when i am awake, i already at his mansion. I look around finding him and for the first time he sit there looking so handsome waiting for me. Win is right wat and pha are imagination, i dont need those i just need my p, i just need my lover.

The end
So, who is the real hunter
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