Part 16 - Joke

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I cant believe it, how come he yelled at me without reason. Win look at me and ask why, i just shake my head. Win i need to go home i said. Why he ask me. I have no reason so i lie. I felt uncomfortable i said.  Omg are you ok win ask me. I felt guilty for lying to him.
I nod and smile to him.

Are you sure you are ok to be alone win ask me again. I nod. I know he have something to do. I am sorry, i really need to go today win said. Its ok i said and get out of his car.
I felt really confuse. What just happen. I walk to my house and sit on my couch. I think so hard. I hug my knees and wait for p bible call. I cant bring myself to call him. What make him behave so bad like that. I am angry and sad at the same time. I wait until  late night but he did not call or message at all.

Its already 2 days, i still get silent treatment from p bible. I felt really hurt but i pretend i am ok when my friend come and visit me. Finally Its the fifth day, i have an apppoinment with the doctor. I secretly hope p bible will come and accompany me to the hospital. But looking how he ignore me, i will go to hospital alone. I reject my friends offer because i really hope p bible will come with me.
Thank you doctor, i said after the check up. I am glad i can start my schedule back. My life will be hectic after this. The accident make my schedule become mess, i dont think i have enough time to be sad. I walk to my car and start crying after get into the car. He really did not come. After getting calm i drive and stop at the mart. I buy big bucket of ice cream and a lot of choclate. So this is the end i said.  I just laugh at how stupid i am, how come i think to  compramise to his mafia thing. I must be crazy. I should not  have hope for anything from him. He just play with my heart. Its his lost, i am bright, the most popular star. I wont die because of him. I take off his ring and throw it away. I cry hard on the way home.

Its been 2 weeks, i am extremely busy. Thank to that i dont have time to think of p bible.  I now on my way to the airport. We are going to japan for Fan meeting and concert. I try to look at his media social. He really disapear.
I look at his first and last message.  Hey what wrong nani ask. Nothing i said and pretend to sleep.  Nani softly hug me try to give moral support.

We smile and wave to the fans, i am relly worried about our fans safety. We hurrily leave the airport and went to our hotel. After saying goodbye to each other we went to our room for rest.
Wow i said look at food prepare for me. I am a bit down but i never reject good food. I look at my favorite ice cream.
I sigh and continue eating. I dont want to think of everything. I just want to sleep and rest. Its been 2 weeks i said slowly and close my eyes.

P bai i heard dew call me. I look at him who now laying beside me. Are you ok now he ask. I nod  and get up from my bed. Lets get ready dew said. Ok, give me a minute i said and went to bathroom for refresh. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then i notice something on my finger, it was p bible ring. I hurrily walk to the dining table and look at the food and ice cream. Dew have you eat i ask him. No p i am so hungry, how could you eat without us he said sulky. sorry dew,  it was in my room, i though all of us received the same thing i said. It must be your fan he said and continue play with his phone. I get my phone and check my message. "Dont lost it again" i just can laugh and in a second i throw the ring into dustbin. Lets go i said.

It was so cold, we hug each other. I hope tomorrow will be better, it so cold i said to win. He just nod and jumping to warm his body. We stick together to warn each other. It was hard practice because we are not used to this weather. Win got a little flu. Our manager hurrily escort us to our room. They ask us to rest and ready for tomorrow.
After i get into my room i see a hot coffee on my table together with the ring. I just look and never touch it. Another message arrive with the same  message  "wear your ring"
I walk to my bed and try to sleep.  Its just a stupid dream i said and i sleep.

Just like always it was beautiful and sucessful event. Since i was
Behind schedule, i fly back early in the morning while my team enjoy short vacation. I was accompany by my manager. It was a long boring journey. I miss my friend so much. I am glad there are no fans here. I walk to my car. And when i get in i was so suprised. What are you doing here i ask coldly. Hi bright p jeff said from the driver side. Where is my driver i ask. We give him holiday p jeff said. He just sit there ignoring my question.  Since he is mute, i prefer not talking too. I wont allow him to get into my house. I will call police if i have to.
I hurrily get off after i reach my apartment. He hold me hand and put a ring in my hand. I just smile and throw it to his chest and left. What a joke.

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