Part 33 - New year party

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After that one thank you he leave me forever. I can felt my tears. I dont remember weather i cry or not when my dad die. I really cant cry even i want to. But now i cant stop my tears. Take care of him with your life i instruct his bodyguard. I look at his live.
"I think i am in love, but clearly it was a mistake" i touch his face and slowly drive to my mom hospital. I dont know why, but i miss her. Looking how bright sit on her swing at her beautiful garden make me think of her.
I slowly walk to her. Oh you are here, come here son she said happily.
Mom, have you ever love my dad i ask after a long moment with her. I love him until his last breath she slowly answer. I look at her. I never regret fall in love with him. He love me more than anyone. He will fight the world for me. But i dont know why he start avoiding me and having affair. I am broken but i still wait for him to come back. But it reach my limit when his right hand man try to rape me and he believe in him and accuse me for seducing him. I can live like a bird in a cage but i cant accept when he mistrust and accuse me for being unfaithful. Thats my limit and he cross that at the night i leave all of you. I am sorry for being selfish. I try to take you a few time, but i have no power. Not a single day i forget about you. I talk about you so much that my new family felt they know you. She said with teary eyes. Thank you i said softly. Dad love you so much. Not a single day he not drink with your picture i said and leave her crying.
It been months already. I only saw him thru media. I look at him singing and dancing happily with his friends.
He look happy and already forget about me.

Its her boss pete said with a worried eyes. So my instint is correct. So it was tina. She instruct her people to threat the actor and ask his people kill her after give her as a present to a lusty producer. Get her i said and drive to our place. She look so scare but all my people look at her disgustingly. Forgive me he beg at my feet. I kick her hard. What she do you wrong i ask her. I need to know why she kill her. I dont know, i just jelous of her beauty and he so close with you she said tearfully. That make me slice her face. She is screaming and bleeding. I am sorry she plead again. Finish her, you can do what ever you want i said to my men. I dont want to dirty my hand i said and that make tina cry louder. I love you she scream loudly. I just leave and heard her scream suddenly stop.
So its over i said and look at my sister ig for the last time before i deactivate her account. Please be peace now i said and look at the dark sky.
I miss him so much. He love the sky thats why i always look at the sky now. I felt we are looking at each other.
So we are going to disapear just like that mile ask me. Now all of our team lean on my car and look at the star. Like saying good by to our little sister.
I wont force all of you, you can be what you want. Its your chance to be clean man and start your new life. I will buried your history. So dont worry i said looking at the star. Is he crazy jeff ask mile and apo. I just smile. I know they will never leave me. Lets go i said.
So lets celebrate late new year last time as artist apo said pleading me. He is such a party boy. Lets celebrate tina death mile said angrily. Lets go jeff said and i nod and get into the car. So this is how our journey end. I really hate when it went to my own people. But its was expexted from this world. You cant trust anyone.

I look at how stupid mile and apo. They must be craving to act like crazy ball. They have to maintain their image for the whole two years. Jeff now singing pasionately. He really love singing. It a waste of talent if he follow me. He, my love also have beautiful voice. I smack my own head, i just can relate everything to him.
Bang! I heard a gun shot and pushed to the floor at the same time. This is not happening. He look at me before fell down. I heard another two shot and tina dad already lying on the floor. I cant move and i saw win and his team running to him. Bai bai they scream.
Mile apo running to me and jeff jump from the stage. Bright they scream and that make we awake from my shock. It was a split second. I push mile and go to him. I immediately take off my shirt and press his wound on his shoulder. I lift him and carry him to our car. Jeff was already waiting for me. To our place i said. I put his head on my lap and keep pressing my shirt. Ask them to ready i instruct jeff. They already there boss jeff said and drive fastly. I look at him soulless on the operation table. Our best surgery is trying their best now. I look at win dew nani who look pale and worry. Mile and apo bring them together becauss they dont want they to get involve. They will close it as gang fight. They hold each other and pray hard. All his bodyguard kneeling and one of them seriously injured when he cover bright from second shot. I ask him to get treatment but they are stuborn like their master. Jeff lean at the wall beside his man. He try to convince them. They really cant see it coming. How come bright notice him first and run to save me. Its was because bright never trust tina dad and for them he is respected elder in their gang. They let down their guard and now blame themselves.

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