Original Character REMATCH: Nebula V.S Deku

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Me: It's a brand new season and it's gonna be a tough one too. And why not start the Season with a Rematch against the Cinnamon Roll Heroes?

Zjohnson231: He's FanboyReader10100 and I'm Zjohnson231.

Me: And it's our job to analyze their skill, abilities, and power to see who will win, a Original Character Rematch.

(Izuku's Analysis)

In the world of Earth. One baby was shinning brightly, this was the amazing discovery of Meta Abilities called Quirks. But 20% of the population are Quirkless. And this boy was one of them. Unfortunately people said that he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. But when he saved his bully Bakugo from the Sludge Villain, his Idol, All Might have him the one thing that made him become the greatest hero in the world. This is the boy called.. Izuku Midorya.

Izuku Midorya

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Species: Meta Human

Me: Izuku Midorya was once Quirkless and he was bullied by his classmates, especially Katsuki Bakugo. He was always called Deku, which is a pun Japanese word for Dekunobu, which means "Good for Nothing".

Me: That is until he saved his bully and classmate, Bakugo from the Sludge Villain, which inspired All Might a lot. He saw something in Deku, which was the courage and the will to save someone and have their body move on their own. That exactly what he saw in Young Midorya, so he gave him one of the most powerful Quirks in the World: One For All.

Zjohnson231: AKA the most powerful freaking quirk in the world! His stamina, agility, and physical strength increases massive! But there's a problem, even bulking up from Lad to Chad, the Quirk is so dang powerful that Deku nearly explodes everytime he uses it. So he trained so hard to handle his gift at the Superhero High School of his dreams: U.A High.

Me: And that's when he decided to own the name used as a cudgel against him for so many years. Turns out "Deku" can also be an abbreviation for "Dekiru", someone who can do anything.

Zjohnson231: Exactly the opposite of "Dekunobou". One For All allows Deku to release absolutely absurd amounts of strength from different parts of his body, with super moves named after U.S. cities and states.

Me: Deku still can't access all of his power safely, though. Using 100% will quickly destroy his body, which is why he learned to distribute his strength evenly across his body, a technique known as Full Cowling. This lets him increase his speed and durability as well, making him more all-rounded and shifting focus to his own interpretation of One For All inspired by his pal Iida: Shoot Style.

Me: Considering the much higher muscle mass of a human's legs, Shoot Style allowed Deku to output even more power while giving his arms a break. A break from... You know, a break. Luckily for him, Deku soon learned that living tar-pounding wasn't the only thing he could do. Turns out, One For All did not originate with All Might. It had been passed down eight times until it arrived at Deku, with each inheritance also carrying the previous user's natural Quirk as well.


One For All: A Quirk that can be passed down to another to grow and awaken stronger

Blackwhip: Summons Black Tendrils to use as whips, ropes, or grapples.

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