Chapter 1 part 2

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Here's chapter 1 part 2 hope u like it


Dedication to:



      After what seemed like hours, the kidnappers shoved me out of the van having me land on my knee. Oh, my left pant leg had a cut in it, having the fabric go missing. I got a small cut on my leg and they pulled me up. They yanked me into a gloomy house that was in the middle of no where. They dragged me to a room that had a torn mattress on the floor with a very thin blanket and dirty pillow. They pushed me down and untied me. "You will stay here." They said. I nodded and asked, "Can I at least have your names? Then I can at least greet you properly." They sighed and one spoke up. "I'm Anthony, this is Ian and Mark. You will be our maid and will have to clean the whole house." I frowned a little and said, "Okay." Dang me and my politeness! "You will start tomorrow." Ian said, slamming the door shut. I looked around my dark room and sat on my thin mattress.

        Danielle would have figured that I was gone by now. Hopefully they will find me. I guess I will have to make the best of it. My head hurt. I rubbed my arm where the ropes were tightly against my skin. I took off my beanie to find it soaked in spots with blood. I looked away and saw that I had no windows. I groggily and looked around. I sighed and slumped back down. I felt a few tears fall and I soon started sobbing. Tears glided down my face and I sighed. My stomach growled and I wondered if I'd get any food. I waited and sure enough after a few minutes, Mark growled, "Lunchtime." He actually put the small bit of food on a platter. It was a small bit of bread with some corn and potatoes. I ate it and he closed the door again. I decided to go to sleep since I didn't have anything else to do. I shook out the pillow and blankets and it helped a little. I got an idea and I took off my shoes to reveal my fuzzy socks. I put my shoes on top of the pillow and laid on them. Better. I fell into a deep sleep.

        ~HARRY'S POV~

        The search people went to go see if they could get any fingerprints. They told us it would take a few hours and we went to Nando's. We surprisingly ate a lot, especially Niall. Usually we wouldn't if we were nervous, I guess it's making us think weird. Mum went to go talk to our dad, they were divorced. I cried into Louis's arms (Larry). We were all going crazy. I want my little sister back. It's only been a day but it feels like weeks.


Sorry it's short

Lets say

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