Chapter 31

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Here u guys go here's chapter 31




I got shaken up by Louis at 3 in the morning. I yawned and he laughed. "I know. I know. It's early." He cooed. I got dressed into this: [polyvore] Lou gave me a piggyback once I was done to the tour bus. We'd eat breakfast on it! It would take us three hours and 30 min. to get there. The security people said that New Jersey was going to to be crazy. Apparently they had already found where we were staying! It was a house in Englishtown. We were renting it for the two weeks until we left for home.

We were told that we'd have to make a stop at a gas station for an hour and a half to fill up with gas and pick up some food. That would be at 5 in the morning. We all were in our beds for the tour. I was the top one on top of Harry's. It had my bedding for when I did stay in the tour bus. It had pink pillows and a sign that said 'dance' it had photos of me dancing and it had an iPod charger. It also had a baby tv for me to watch regular tv or my dance preformances.

I watched my first dance preformance ever because I couldn't fall asleep. I was so excited for Christmas in two weeks! Ahh! I soon feel asleep and when I woke up, we were just pulling into the gas station. I jumped out and watched them fill up gas. I saw the other boys walk out and I ran inside. Harry and the others followed me and we all yawned at the same time. We all decided to buy some candy (for me) because I get hyper that way, some tea, a bag of carrots, a mini container of carrot sticks and ranch (MEE!), a chicken sandwich (Nialler and Liam), and some other stuff. I will have the carrot sticks with lunch!

We will have lunch before we get off of the bus. Yes, because we were going into some bad weather. We had to take a few detours and ice was everywhere. They had gotten foot after foot of snow a few hours earlier and it was a mess. We were going to get there at 12 instead of 8! It was fun on the tour bus though. We all slept for a little while more until 8. We decided to all play Chutes and Ladders, Team Version. I was with Harry, Louis was with Niall, and Zayn was with Liam. Harry and I ended up winning!

We played a few other games and had fun. Lou gasped and yelled, "We forgot the ice cream!" We all looked confused but then I remembered. "Oh yeah! The ice cream every concert!" I said, as they grinned. "Yeah! I remember. Chocolate mint for around the holidays!" Harry said. I giggled and then my shoulder started to hurt. "Ow, my shoulder hurts." I whined. Liam got up and said, "The doctors said that that would happen. It will be normal. You will have really bad pain. They said around this time you would have that. The doctors wanted you to go to the hospital your first time. We'll take you once we get to Englishtown. You might have to stay overnight though." I nodded as the pain increased a little.

Soon, we all decided to have our lunch. We all ended up having chicken sandwiches and fries. I had my carrot sticks along with Louis. The other boys had fruit. Once our bus stopped, we saw a huge house. I held my shoulder and ran outside. Some fans were laying outside it! They were screaming and chasing after me. I realized that I didn't have the key and Paul scooped me up. He opened the door and set me down. "You can go explore. I'll call the police and have them get the fans to leave. All of the rooms were custom made. When you get older, this house will become yours. Then, the themes will obviously change." He said, opening the door. I gasped as he left.

I'm 6 1/2 and I already 'own' a house! Even though people have told me that I will have enough money to buy anything. I will probably give some to helpful charities. I decided to do as Paul said, explore. The house was absolutely gigantic. It was like WHOA! I went up the stairs as I heard the door slam open. I heard Harry say how bad the crowd was along with the other guys. I heard Paul and him grab something which I'm guessing was the phone. "Yes, fans are surrounding." He said, professionally. I giggled as I checked out what I found out was the bathroom. Soon, I heard sirens and saw paparazzi filming the scene. He left after the fans and then Paul called to be from downstairs.

"DARCY! WE'RE TAKING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" He yelled. I skipped down the stairs and he put me on his shoulders. I giggled and he took me to our usual van. I was about to get into the front seat when he said, "Oh no you don't!" I pouted as he opened the back seat door. I got in and sat in my car seat. I whined and he said, "Soon, Darcy, soon!" I grinned and he put the hospital address into the GPS. He drove and replied, "We have your medical records in every city in our tour states. Your mom wanted that." I nodded and smiled at the thought of mummy. He stopped at the entrance and I hopped on his back when we went inside. The nurses nodded as they checked my records. They led me to a room and told Paul that he could wait in the waiting room.

"You're adorable!" One of the nurses gushed. I giggled and they awwed. "You are going to have to show us where it hurts. We have to give you two shots of painkillers and have you stay overnight to make sure you can have it everytime it hurts. We don't want any weird swelling or reactions to it." The other nurse explained, smiling weakly. I frowned a little and said, "I don't like shots.." The first nurse said, "You'll get a lollipop afterwards!" I giggled and nodded. They told Paul and he called the boys. Lux's mum was going to bring clothes. They were on a separate bus that was going to come later. Before I went to get the shots, Lou T. dropped them off. She was in a hurry and so she left with a hug.

Then it was time for the shots. I walked into the room with Paul and sat down on the hospital bed. Then, I found out their names, Rachel and Stevie. Stevie walked in with two large needles. I grabbed Paul's hand and started to cry a little bit. He put me into his lap and Stevie gave a weak smile. "For further injections you will have anestisia." She said. I looked at Paul and asked, "What's that?" He laughed and said, "Where you are put to sleep so you won't feel it." I nodded and Rachel walked over with a packet of something. She opened it and started rubbing my shoulder with it. It was cold. Then, Stevie walked over with one of the needles. I squeezed Paul's hand and when she did it, OW!


Here you go chapter 31







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