Chapter 33

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Here u guys go here's chapter 33




I jumped out of bed right when I woke up. Why? Today is Christmas Eve! We are all leaving tonight for home. I got dressed into this: [polyvore] Oh, my outfit for tomorrow is much better. "Darcy! Santa came early!" Harry yelled and I ran to the living room. Sure enough, I saw stockings hanging over the fireplace. I saw a pink one that was obviously for me. I ran over to it and grabbed it. I saw the Paul had a camera filming it. Harry sat next to me with his stocking. The other boys grabbed theirs and we all sat on the floor, opening them. I saw all of my favorite candy and an ornament that said, "Darcy" It was striped with pink and white, like a candy cane. It had a picture of me dancing on it. I love it!

Then, we saw Paul come over with candy cane pancakes! We all sat around the table and ate. We chatted and then we all decided to open presents because at 8, all of us were flying home so we should make the most of our time. I sat on the couch next to Harry and Liam. Zayn and Niall were on the couch, while Louis decided to be the gift handerouter. He had on a Santa hat and Paul sat down on the chair by the couches. Lou grabbed a pink and gold polka dotted package and handed to me. "To Darcy from Niall!" He yelled. I giggled and took off the bow. I opened up the box and smiled. I got this: [polyvore] "I didn't want you to get hungry on the plane ride back home." Niall explained, smiling. I giggled and hugged him. "Zayn to Liam!" Louis shouted, pushing the gift to Liam. He opened it and we all smiled whenever we opened our gift. All of the boys and Paul loved theirs!

From Louis: [polyvore] He wanted me to have a pigeon necklace :p

From Zayn: [polyvore] He wanted me to have a varsity jacket :)

From Liam: [polyvore] He didn't want my legs getting cold c:

From Paul: [polyvore] He knows how much I love Justin Bieber :D

From Harry: [polyvore] I love the shoes!

We all decided to go outside and play around in the snow. I got changed into this: [polyvore] I ran outside and found the other boys in their winter clothes. I giggled as Harry picked me up. He spun around and then sat me down in the snow. "Let's make chairs!" Louis screamed, falling onto a huge snow pile. I grinned and sat down. I started molding snow together and soon the other boys finished theirs. They were really good. They came over to me and helped build mine. Mine ended up looking like this: We all sat down in our chairs and talked. Then, we decided to have a snowball fight. I was making snowballs and Harry was throwing them. We ended up winning!

After that, we all went back inside to have some hot chocolate and to start packing for the two day trip. I am so happy! We were apparently going to sing together at the airport to the people there, tomorrow. I even have a costume. I went upstairs and I took out my pink suitcase. I only will need one! I grabbed my clothes and heard a knock at the door. I looked over and saw Paul. I looked at him confused. Wasn't he going to pack his clothes? He smiled as if reading my mind. "I already packed." He replied. I nodded and he handed me my pink dance backpack. "Your carry-on bag." He said, grinning. I smiled and said, "Thanks!" He chuckled and asked, "Want any help packing?" I nodded and he helped put in some shirts and grabbed my stuffed animals and a few books. He grabbed my iPod and my charger. He put it into the bag and grabbed my toiletries.

We finished and Harry said the worst thing that he could have ever said.

"The planes aren't flying to the UK, forcast says a terrible snowstorm."


Here you go chapter 33







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