Chapter 8

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Here u guys go here's chapter 8



Chapter 8

(Skipping a few days later)


Today the nurses thought that Darcy would wake up. Fans had been sending her everything. Cards, stuffed animals, candy, dolls, and etc. I left with mum and Gemma and we went to the hospital. We walked inside and saw Darcy. She was on oxygen and had bandages everywhere. The guys walked in with Danielle and Eleanor. We all waited expectantly.


I ached all over. The pain was intense. My breathing felt like it was getting easier! I soon heard talking. It didn't sound like Mark or Anthony, Ian either. Where am I? I tried with all of my strength to open my eyes. I was in a hospital room? With Harry and the others, with mommy! They all gasped and hugged me lightly. "How did you guys find me?" I asked them. They smiled and said, "Apparently a fan lived a few miles away and was walking through a forest area and saw you." I beamed and said, "Can I thank her when I'm out of here?" Mummy smiled and said, "Sure, honey!" I smiled and a nurse walked in. "Hi, I'm Jen! I've been your nurse." She said, smiling at me. I grinned back and I saw gifts by my bed. "Are these all for me?" I asked, gasping. Louis laughed and said, "There's loads more at home, doll!" I giggled and Jen said, "You'll be able to go home in a week to make sure that everything gets back to normal." I smiled and said, "Can't wait!" Danielle and Eleanor laughed at that a lot.

Apparently Harry brought some clothes along with Gemma for me. The boys were going back on tour in two months. I get to go for the last month of it! Soon the boys all had to go to a benefit. They hugged me goodbye and Danielle had dance practice and Eleanor, modeling. The nurses were moving me to a recovery level. They rolled me down the hall and I saw a pink balloon tied to my bed. I grinned and waved people who smiled at me. They laughed and I saw Mommy and Gemma following us with some bags. When I got to my room, Gemma and Mommy were going to take my gifts home and get the house ready for when I'd come home. Mommy would be back tomorrow and Gemma the day after. Jen helped unload my bags and put my clothes in a closet in the room. She told me that the doctors had her as my entertainer too!

For hours we played board games like Sorry, Chutes, and Ladders (she moved my pieces hehehe) and also she read me stories. After awhile I got tired and slept with my new teddy bear from the nurses. The ones from the boys were at home. I named the bear, Keebler. It seemed like a cute name to Jen. When I woke up, Jen said I could start eating solid foods because my neck and mouth were not hurt at all and my stomach hadn't changed besides having loads of scars. I ate some grilled cheese with Jell-O (they were yummy in my tummy yum!) I drank some apple juice and Jen helped me changed into my pyjamas: [polyvore] I hugged Keebler as Jen read me a story called Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type. We laughed together and at 8, she turned the lights off. Tomorrow I got my bandages replaced and apparently I sprained my leg, so I'd get a cast and be in a wheelchair.

Goodnight, Keebler!


Here you go chapter 8







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