Chapter 30

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Here u guys go here's chapter 30




I woke up and decided to get dressed. Paul and I were going shopping! The day before we left, we'd all open our presents with everyone who was on the tour. Baby Lux, Joshy, everyone! I got changed into this: [polyvore] I grabbed Paul's hand and he left a note to the boys. We went to the mall and saw a few people screaming at us. We went to buy mum's first. I found her this: [weheartit] (just the purse) Paul paid out of my pink wallet. It had lots of money. I actually was making a lot of money modeling and preforming.

I went to another store with Paul holding the bag. We decided to go eat some lunch and so we got some pizza. After we finished, we went to buy Danielle and Eleanor's gift. I got Danielle these heels: [weheartit] She said that she always wanted them. I got her this necklace: [weheartit] She would love it! I got Eleanor these pair of heels: [weheartit] (fourth pair) I got her this necklace: [weheartit] We went to another store so Paul could buy his wife something. I helped him and then we got a scrapbook made with lots of photos. Yes, you can find a lot of them on the internet! I loved it and on the cover was all of us and mum.

We got it wrapped and went back to the hotel. The boys were all playing Quick Fire. I just watched. It was funny :D After that, Harry decided that he wanted to make fajitas. We just didn't have the ingredients! Harry and I were going to go to the store with Paul, along with Niall. The other boys were going to the pool. Niall wanted to choose other stuff to buy for food.

We piled into a taxi and drove to the taxi. We'd put the rest of the food we got into the tour bus for the drive to New Jersey. We walked to the store, hearing the supermarket music. Harry and I were messing around, hearing cameras flash. I was on Harry's shoulders and Niall was grabbed almost every food item in his path into the cart. I reached out and grabbed a box of cat crackers. I giggled as Harry grabbed the ingredients for the fajitas. He brought them up to my hands so I could throw them into Paul's cart. We finished and I asked Paul, "Paul, can I have some candy?" He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Sure, Darcy." I cheered as Harry bent down. I grabbed a bottle pop and handed it to Paul.

The store lady beeped all of the food and seemed shocked that Harry Styles and Niall Horan were at the store. We got into the taxi and drove back to the hotel. We went back up and I sat down on the counter, wiggling my legs. I saw some people who always organized the stuff when we moved. They were taking my suitcases that I wouldn't need. We were going to be rushing into the tour bus early so they wanted everything packed up besides our outfit and toiletries.

Soon, the fajitas were done. The boys, Paul, and I sat around the table and ate. We went back to our rooms to find them almost empty. We all had to go to bed earlier. I changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.


Here you go chapter 30







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