Chapter 21

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Here u guys go here's chapter 21




I woke up and got changed into this: [polyvore] Today I was going with the boys! It was very early :( I was having breakfast on the plane with the boys. I yawned and Harry ruffled my hair and slapped his face. "Can I try?" I asked, giggling. He groaned and picked me up. A black van came and two men took our bags. Harry carried me on his shoulders to the van to be greeted by Niall. We still had to pick up Zayn, Louis, and Liam. Niall was eating a muffin :) He let me have a bite!

We picked up Zayn, Louis, and Liam. We all were very excited. We got driven onto the runway to the plane. I skipped onto the huge plane and yawned. I got handed my bright pink backpack. It had my pillow and blanket, along with a few other things. My pillow was of! Three really pretty flight attendants came out with loads of food. Harry was checking them out and Lou slapped his head. I giggled and Harry rubbed his head when Louis hit him. Niall was shoveling food in his mouth while Liam was talking about how he didn't need a spoon. Zayn was laughing at a joke that one of the attendants said.

Harry, Louis, and I ate the yummy food and the flight attendants wanted a picture with me because I'm just that cute ;) They squeezed my cheeks and cooed as they sat me in their lap. Harry seemed jealous and Niall was howling with laughter. When we all decided to take a nap, the attendants tucked me in :) We would be on the plane until tomorrow afternoon, and then going on a bus for 8 hours and in a hotel. When we all woke up, it was late afternoon. We all had pizza and ate it all up. The boys decided to make a video. "Hey guys!" They all yelled. "We're on a plane!" Liam said, laughing. "With my AMAZAYN (see what I did there no o ok lets get back to the story know) baby sister, DARCY STYLES!" Harry shouted, motioning for me to come over.

I walked over and Lou set me in his lap. I giggled and they said, "She'll be on the tour with us for a month...NOT! It'll be 3 MONTHS, surprise!" I gasped and Zayn and Niall both kissed me on the cheek :p "We're going to answer some questions." Harry said. "Emily says, if you had to date anyone in the band, who'd it be?" Louis asked. I tilted my head and asked, "Is that legal for me?" Liam smiled and said, "Sorry Cheeky!" I pouted as they laughed. The boys responded with their answered and we went onto the next one. "Katherine asked, What happened to Darcy, did she get hurt again? All us Directioners would want to know, we love her and she could be our sister-in-law! She's family." Zayn said. They all turned to me and Lou rocked me back and forth.

"Actually yes. What happened is my kidnappers escaped from jail and they wanted to kill me because they didn't think they'd got enough money. I was stabbed. But I'm okay now! I'm recovering. My kidnappers are dead." I said, smiling weakly. "She's a fighter. I'd never be able to go through what Darc has been in. She's so brave and special." Harry said, wiping a few tears and clinging to me. I hugged him and the boys awwed. Harry and I smiled and Lou kissed my head. We answered more questions and then decided to play a board game called Pictionary. Simon bought it for me:)

We sat down and Zayn drew a picture. He's good at it :) Except, we played in teams. I was with Niall. We lost to Zayn and Liam. The teams were Zayn and Liam, Harry and Louis, and Niall and I. We heard by our pilot that it was snowing again. He told us that the plane would get a little bit colder. We all decided after we ate dinner that we'd wear fuzzy onesies and cuddle up in blankets, and watch films! I can't wait :D


Here you go chapter 21







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