chapter 22 part 1

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Here u guys go here's chapter 22 part 1




After dinner, we all changed into our onesies. I got one from the boys:) It's pink!: [polyvore] I plopped down next to Harry and we all snuggled with loads of blankets. "Hey Pookie, aren't you a little young to be shopping at Victoria's Secret?" Niall asked, confused. I giggled and replied, "I only buy blankets there!" He chuckled along with the other boys and Liam walked in with a pile of movies. We all flipped through them and decided to watch Love Actually.

We spent a lot of the night laughing and eating popcorn. When the clock turned 11, Harry picked me up. "It's way past your bedtime Darc. Sleepy time!" He said, laughing. I pouted and whined, "But Harrrryyy!" The boys were all chuckling and Harry tucked me into my silky cot and kissed my head. "Bedtime story?" He asked, smiling. I nodded as he started. Soon, I felt sleepy.


Here you go chapter 22 part 1







Kidnapped a one direction storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ