What now?

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It has come to my attention that someone tried to HAHAHAHA, I'm sorry, it's just hilarious HAHA, hex me??

Please, I'm in tears right now. You just don't wanna give up, do you? You're just digging your own grave. I feel sorry for you. Everything you throw my way is just going to bounce off me like a bouncing ball. And, you guessed it, hit you in the face.

Why, you ask, can't I be hexed? It's simple, because I am who I say I am. You can try all you'd like. Like laser beams it'll miss every time. PEW PEW PEW. Now you've gone and done it, haven't you? Thinking you can just mess with a Servant and get away with it? Why do you think we have such iron will to live? Why we're so hard to kill? Did it never cross that tiny brain, maybe there's a reason why this person is so confident in themselves?

Anyway, good luck with that. You'll need it.

In other news, the situation with my electronics is improving, but my projects are still on hiatus until the issue has been completely resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Here is a sneak peak of one of the projects I'm working on:

It's about time to talk about Ichor, or as people like to call it, Azoth. Ichor is also what EAT is made of. It's a strange, semi-sentient black tar which has parasitic properties. Not in the sense that it feeds on human hosts, but more that it modifies and replaces the appearance and behavior of its host. I have, over the course of a few months, tested its properties in hopes of understanding how it works, whether it truly is sentient, and how it destroys the immune system. Let us go over the scientific method together.

First, the questions. We have several in this case.

1. How does the parasite invade its host?

2. How does the parasite destroy white blood cells? Ex. Does it release proteins or toxins?

3. What makes it able to gain control of the host's neurotransmitters?

4. Is it sentient? Ex. Can it think, make decisions, or feel?

5. Does the parasite have an incubation process? If so, how does it differ based on environment and body types?

6. Can it distinguish between the deceased and living?

I hope this has given you something to look forward to. Until next time.

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