Tabasco for breakfast

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I open my eyes, and sigh with the force and energy of someone woken up too early on a day they don't have to do anything because it's a weekend.

"Cana!" I roll over to look at my roommate, who's working hard at her desk.

"Sorry, guess I forgot to turn off my alarm clock." She smiles apologetically.

"Still working on your portfolio?" I get out of bed, stretch, and walk over to where she's working. Leaning a little bit over her shoulder, I see the multiple works Cana made of myself, and many others. I blush a little when I see the one of me in that black cat outfit. "These are beautiful!"

"Thanks. And Reedus has been a huge help. He's the best in class, you know."

"I know, I've seen his works. But it's Saturday, Cana. Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Uhh, possibly. Maybe." She laughs, stifling a yawn.

"It's seven thirty! Cana, you get some sleep, and I'll go get us breakfast. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a dream. I owe you, neko-Lucy."

"Can we forget that!" I exclaim, hiding my face.

"Never." She yawns. "I would kill for a coffee and muffin."

"Chocolate chip?"

"You know it," Cana winks, then collapses into her bed. Still in my comfy pajamas, I put on a pair of shoes and grab my bag. I exit the room and dorm building, and immediately cover my eyes from the sun. It may have rained all week, but the sun decided to make an appearance today. I look around the area between the dorms and smile. This place really has become my home.

"Shh, don't you know what time it is?" I hear a female voice squeal.

"I know it's early," a masculine voice replies.

"Yeah, too early for this!" She squeals, enjoying herself.

"Shut up, it's not like I'm doing anything," he growls.

"You're not?" I can feel her automatic pout. I turn around to leave the campus, when I hear shuffling behind some tree. A girl stumbles backwards from behind the tree, a girl I don't recognize. She falls on her butt, her face extremely flushed, and looks up at me with a wild grin. Stepping around her, I come face to face with who else, but Natsu himself!

"Oi, hi Luce." He brushes his hands against his pants and gives me a troublemaker grin.

"Yeah, sorry for... Interrupting you two." I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Oh it's alright. It's not like we were doing anything." He shrugs.

The girl stands up and clings to Natsu's side, "we weren't?" Her voice drips with an awkward attempt at a sultry tone. He brushes her off again, and I clear my throat.

"I was just leaving, anyways." I shuffle away to leave Natsu with his... Problem.

"Where're you going?" I sigh when I hear Natsu jogging after me. I turn around to see that he left the girl behind, looking very confused, slightly hurt, and a little envious.

"Just to get breakfast. I need to get back to Cana anyways..."

"I'll come with." He interrupts me with a friendly smile, but I just continue walking.

"So where are we going?

"Nice pajamas.

"What are you hungry for?

"You need a car? Cause I got a car."

Natsu just won't shut up.

"I'm fine, Natsu. I just need to go to a small cafe to grab a sandwich, and a coffee and muffin for Cana."

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