chapter 3 - The most woeful place

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As they walked Into my hotel reception the torture began instantly for Wednesday as her ears instantly started to bleed as she started to hear the words, 'tell everybody I'm on my way'.

She instantly worked out that it was Enids dad that had booked them in here. She looked around and instantly felt like she was in a nightmare as everything has a feeling that was warm and welcoming. She then turned and looked towards her wife who just happened to be humming along to the song which brought a small smirk to wedensdays usual emotionless face and only she could make her show this side beside her Uncle Fester.

They held eachothers hands as they walked up to the reception and checked in, when they were checked in they each received a magic band that had there names written on, Enids band was of course in her signature Colour of pink, meanwhile wedensday had hoped they had black but sadly not so she had to settle for a gray one.

As they finally walked off they thanked the receptionist  who replied back "have a wonderful Disney day"

They then walked up to there room and to there surprise Enid dad had pulled out some extra stops for them having them lay the bed in black and red petals just like how it was on there wedding night amd also chocolate on both pillows.

"Enid remind me when we get back to thank your farther for this gesture" Wedensday softly said to her as she placed both there cases into the side of the room as they lay on the bed. As they checked out the park opening times and also found out due to staying in a Disney hotel there were allowed early access at half eight in the morning

"Can we go early please weds please?" Enid belted out it was like her inner child was possessing her.

"Enid we will go early if that's what you want the most. So how about tonight we use the room service, watch a movie and have an early night since its already six" Wedensday responded and her heart melted when she seen the smile emerge on Enids face.

They instantly both lay down on the bed as Enid called room service and asked for a cheese pizza with fries. Meanwhile Wednesday was searching through the selection of movies and for Enid she was willing to watch a Disney movie since she had put up with watching so many horrors.

Thirty minutes later they herd a knock on there hotel room as Enid answered to receive there pizza and fries she tipped the guy a generous amount as they came back as they stared to watch Inside out since it was Enids favourite Disney Movie. After it finished they cuddled up to each other and fell asleep ready for what tomorrow would bring.

(Time skip to the next morning)

Enid was first to wake up just as it was hitting seven in the morning as she jumped out of bed as she just wanted to scream in delight. But she opted against it to make sure she didn't wake her world and beloved. She quickly looked on to her phone to check the weather when she suddenly herd "Your eager ain't you cara Mia?"

Enid excitedly said back "Of course I'm finally achieving a childhood dream."

Wednesday smiled as she got up and wrapped her into a hug as she said "Today is all about you to make sure your dream is what you wanted it to be"

Enid kissed her back as she told her she was going into the shower,ten minutes later she steped out of the bathroom allowing Wednesday in as she started planning for the day about what was to be done first.

When Wednesday had steped out of the bathroom she saw the list Enid had made as she loved how much thought she put in.

(Time skip eight thirty am)

The Two had just arrived via the complimentary bus to the magic Kingdom and Enid couldn't hide her excitement as she sprinted off the bus. They were lucky they got early access and they were able breeze past the security checkpoints.

Once they were fully inside of the park Enids jaw just dropped as entered into maine Street and she saw the castle as she just hugged wedensday as she jumped up and down and she screamed "omg omg I can't believe I'm here this is so much better then I imagined."

She grabbed her phone out and tried to take a selfie with the castle in shot but she kept getting bad angles causing her to frown.

"Cara mia want me to take one?" Wednesday asked and without a second of doubt Enid handed her phone to Wednesday who the picture with her doing a little pose with all the castle in the background.

Enid smiled and said "that's perfect weds you should become a photographer."

Wednesday looked up before replying "I've already Decided I'm going to be an author I've sent off my full Novel now so I'm hoping to hear back soon."

The rest of day went smoothly as can be they rode the seven dwarfs mine kart first, then made there way to big thunder mountain then into tomorrow land where they drove the tomorrow land speedway though Wednesday was annoyed the cars where on tracks as she wanted to ram into so many people.

After she had finished complaining they went to space mountain and Wednesday actually enjoyed it as she found it thrilling the sudden drops in the dark and turns which brought a smile to the blondes face.

They stopped for something to eat as Wedensday bought them both a turkey leg each as they both devoured them getting a few looks from passers by due to the speed they were eating, after they had finished the arrived at the attraction Wednesday was looking forward to the most the haunted mansion.

As they made there way to the mansion Wednesday commented on how poor the walkway through was with the cheap sneeze gag with sprayed water onto passers by. By the time they got into there car for the main ride Wednesday looked like she actually wanted to make the ride haunted due to how disappointed she was with it and as they left the ride and through the graveyard Enid asked "so that was a let down I'm.guessing?"

Wednesday turned to her as she said not really becuase with it all them turns it ment I loved having you real close to me".

Enid blushed at her reply as she said "well the days getting on but there's one more attraction I wanna go on before we leave for the day"

Wedensday smirked knowing her day of torture would soon be over as she said "lead the way mia bella"

Enid grabbed her hand as they walked over to a ride called its a small world as they walked through relatively fast they then reached the boats and when they set off they were sharing the boat with fourteen other people much to Wednesday annoyance as she wanted to use this time to have a little make out session as she expected the water to make it a perfect setting. Oh how wrong she was.

As then emerged from the small tunnel of darkness Wednesdays face went to horor as she saw all the dancing dolls and the song playing was nearly making her ears bleed. She then whispered into enids year "I so wish i had guillotine right now"

Enid could help but laugh as the ride continued she looked over to Wednesday who looked as if she was going through the worst pain imaginable when all of a sudden the ride just stopped as an annocument came over that the ride has malfunctioned and would restart as soon as possible. Then the music started playing again.

They had been waiting five minutes and nothing at happend at this point Wednesday lost her cool as she turned to Enid as she said "enid, te amo, pero el hecho de que me hayas arrastrado a esto con esa canción sonando en mis oídos me da ganas de hacerlo." ( enid i love you but the fact you dragged me on this with that song ringing in my ears makes me want to.wolf out a rip off the speakers)

Enid just laughed now understanding Spanish as she replied back to her "Well count this as payback for all the horor films I've had to watch fearing for my life".

At that moment the boat started moving again amd before long they had reached the end. Wednesday bolted off never wanting to set foot on that ride ever again with Enid following her. When they got out they headed for the exit with the time being five pm when wedensday told her "I've got something special lined up for you tonight" as  they made there way back to there hotel.

Authors note
(So that completes my longest chapter that I've done in both books but I hope yous all liked it. If yous did don't be afraid to.comment and vote. Also I based the magic Kingdom from the time I was there back in 2018 so if anything is different now (I didn't mention splash mountain because I know its being changed) please let me know. Thank yous all so much)

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