chapter 25 the awards part 2

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Enid was now on her way back to her dressing room but little did she know that there would be a surprise for her in her wife.

As soon as Enid's performance had stopped. Wednesday decided to make a move towards Enid's dressing room as she knew giving the standing ovation she could use it as cover due to her height.

As Enid unlocked her door she smiled as she saw her wife sitting in a chair in front of a mirror next to where her awards clothes were. Wednesday then spoke "Enid why do you tease me like that coz right now seeing you in that makes me want to go into heat"

Enid blushed at the compliment but she smirked knowing her surprise worked as she replied "So I guess my surprise worked on you then"

At that point Wednesday locked her lips onto enids. And moved her hands down on her body that was until Enid pulled her away.

"Enid, what's wrong have I done something?" Wednesday asked in shock

Enid responded, "You haven't done anything wrong. As much as I want to feel you all over me. We have to get back to the table otherwise people will get suspicious but you can make it up to me tonight afterwards".

Wednesday just smiled back as she had a surprise herself for Enid. Ten minutes later they arrived at the table with Enid back in her suit and sat down however the table was always being topped up with snacks and alcohol which is something Enid took advantage of.

An hour passed and before they all knew it the award for the best breakthrough artist came up.

They looked up after hearing the nominations and samples of their songs a guest announcer opened the envelope and said "Ladies and gentlemen the winner of the best breakthrough artist  is.... its no surprise it's Wolfie"

The arena started to applaud and Enid was opened mouthed in shock that she had won then it hit her as she started to jump and down like a little child being told they were going to Disney. She then hugged Wednesday and members of her management. However, Due to how much alcohol had consumed, she staggered towards the stage nearly falling multiple times. However, when she got to the stage she hugged the guest announcer and then proceeded with her speech.

"Wow thank you so much, I'm honoured to win this award. I honestly never thought after making that tiktok video that I would be living this life. I'd just like to say thank you to everyone that voted. My fantastic management team who let me do things my way unlike my last one. But also I'd like to thank my fantastic wife who's supported me so much since meeting her in the challenges in life. Also, this isn't my award this award is won by all of the outcast community worldwide. We did it. Howwwwwlllllll"

She then walked back to her table with a few stumbles as Wednesday kissed her and said "You deserve this so much" which caused Enid to blush.

The awards continued for another hour. However, there was the after-party straight after where the drinks got stronger and the guests got drunker including Enid. An hour into the party all the guests were drunk as skunks all bar Wednesday who swore to never touch another drop after her antics back at Yoko's party. She looked over to Enid and she Instantly thought god help me as she saw Enid carrying 7 shots of tequila.

She carried them. back and handed out 4 of the shots to her guests and then 1 to Wednesday and kept two to herself. Wednesday stepped in "Enid control yourself your getting drunk and you know I won't touch another drop"

Enid just looked at her pouted and said: "I'm not drunk I'm a good wolf and suit yourself for the shot." As she took it back and drank it herself.

It wasn't long after the booze fully hit Enid as not long after she started hiccuping next to Wednesday as she tried to dance however kept nearly falling over luckily Wednesday was able to catch her and disguise it like they were doing the tango.

30 minutes later the worst happened as Enid suddenly walked off and then sneaked up to Wednesday who was doing a static dance move when Enid suddenly shouted "PIGGYBACK" and jumped onto Wednesday's back. The unexpected motion caused Wednesday to topple to the floor and made everyone look at them. Wednesday then picked herself and Enid up but once again drunk Enid made Wednesday feel so embarrassed as she then threw up on the dance floor. This became too much for Wednesday and she then wrapped her arm around Enid as they left, they tried to get into a taxi but every taxi said no due to the state of Enid who kept puking every minute eventually Wednesday managed to to get Enid's management to organise a ride back to the hotel. Whilst in the car Enid passed out and when they got back to the hotel Wednesday carried Enid back to their room and tucked her into bed whilst she was so angry she went and slept on the sofa in the room.

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