chapter 10

438 5 11

(Tw Roofies violence and sexual assault

It has been three weeks since the death of enids mother and it was only recently that Enid had to returned to her normal self after dealing with the grief.

However she was now so excited as they were returning to the place where the two had fallen for eachother Nevermore academy. They were returning as yoko had recently started to teach at the school as an art teacher and had invited to the two to a party she was hosting in her new room at the school since it has been to long since yoko had seen her bestie.

They arrived at Nevermore thanks to lurch driving them all the way from the addams home  which was a trip that became second nature to him now.

As they pulled up and steped out. The memories came flooding back to Enid especially the one where she met Wednesday for the first time. Seconds later she herd a familer voice shouting  "Enid Wednesday over here"

As soon as Enid herd that voice she instantly sprinted over to yoko and wrapped her into a hug as she said
"Yoko how are you and how's the teaching going?"

By this point Wednesday was back next to as she just nodded to say hi to Yoko as she just replied back to Enid "it's going great I love teaching, its such a good feeling passing my knowledge on, yes there are some kids that's just think it's a joke but I'm able to stamp my authority onto them now it's great."

Enid and yoko continued to talk on there way up to yokos bedroom which connected to her main living area which was one of the perks of being a nevermore teacher. Once they got up to the room the started to take out what they would wear for the party as it was only an hour and half away. Wedensday went with a business look consisting on black suit pants and a white buttoned shirt. Meanwhile Enid wore a pink converse with pink socks a pink skirt the went to the knee and a white tee with pink heart all over.

They stepped out of yokos room to see that yokos girlfriend Davina had joined them as she was sipping her drink as she said hello to both the girls.

Soon after the party had started and yokos living was packed mainly with vampires and some of nevermore teachers but Wednesday noticed in the corner of the room a face she recognised in Lucas Walker.

Wednesday pointed him out to Enid who then turned to Yoko and asked "What's lucas doing here?"

Yoko replied "He's having a hard time recently he's working in the weathervain since pilgrim world has shut down now the truth is out and everyone has turned his back on him. I thought this could do him good."

Enid replied "me and Wednesday will go talk to him thanks for telling me"

Yoko smiled at the responce as they went over when they did Enid was the first to speak as she said " lucas how are you?"

Lucas turned around and saw the pair of them but when he saw Enid he did a quick look up and down which Enid didn't spot but Wednesday noticed in the corner of her eye. Which made her full of rage however she wouldn't respond becuase this night was for Enid she deserved a good night after what she had just been through. They talked for a little while until they ended there talk.

Five minuites later Wednesday told Enid she was going outside to get some air. As she did Enid then went a talked to Yoko but she had left her drink unattended.

Lucas noticed this as a devilish smirk appeared as he went up behind them and sliped a roofie in Enids drink. Twenty minuites later the roofie started to take affect as Enid was starting to feel as if she was feeling drouzy as she told Yoko who let her use her bed for a little sleep to try and make her feel better. She went in the room but lucas was keeping a close eye on her. As she waited a little then sneeked into the bedroom.

Meanwhile Wednesday was outside she said she needed air but what she needed was a break from the horrible ear bleeding songs that were being played but as she was walking back she went to open a door when she snapped back and was having a vision.

When she snapped out of vision, she instantly started to sprint back to Yokos room. When she arrived back she found yoko and asked her in panic "wheres Enid gone and wheres lucas?"

Yoko replied "enids in my bedroom she said an hour ago she was feeling ill. But I have no idea about lucas"

A look of fear came over wednesday as she just shouted "SHIT! Yoko come with ME" and instantly after they herd Enid scream.

Both yoko and Wednesday sprinted to yokos bedroom and when they seen what was going on Enids face went to pure rage as her vision was happening as she saw a fully naked lucas trying to have his way with Enid with her skirt being scrunched up on the side of the bed and Enid with tears pouring down her face as she was fighting to get him off her.

Wedensday steped in and threw lucas off her with him landing on his elbow breaking it. She then had him in the corner of the room and was punching his face repetitively and yoko got involved stamping on his private area as he bellowed out in pain as the punishment kept coming, Wednesday then turned her nails into claws as she sliced right across lucas face then back across as the blood was flowing out him like a river as the door was left open as yoko explained what was happening meanwhile Wednesday then starting clawing at his chest as more and more blood was pouring out they were lucky that yoko didn't have anything white in the room otherwise it was be destroyed.

Wednesday then stopped as yoko dragged him out of the room and into the hands of the police who were there in minutes after another teach called the cops when they found out. As he was being taken away both yoko and Wednesday wrapped her into the  tightest hug she had ever had to let her know she was safe as the tears were flowing out of eyes like someone had left taps running.

The Raven and the Wolf. Life after nevermore Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora