chapter 18 the woeful rescue

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Tw violence and death

(This chapter has been heavily based on one of the chapters from wenclairs love story from angel06911 but also with my take at the same time )

After she had texted Yoko she started to look around for some clues as to who could have taken her wife. She looked around when she saw a small piece of paper under Enid's desk where she would write her songs. She picked it up and scanned the context which read.

"This is just payback for her being part of the plot that killed our son. Maybe if she was a stupid bitch to sing about him she wouldn't have been caught and also that she shouldn't have posted your address on her updated blog!"

Wednesday felt a cold shiver go down her spine after reading the small note however soon after the fear turned into a burning rage as she went into her and enid's bedroom and removed one of the floor panels to reveal her secret weapons collection featuring crossbows hidden pocket blades and hatchets. She put them all into her backpack.

As soon as she had placed them all in within seconds after there was a knock at the door which she knew was yoko. However, as she was heading down she noticed a small card. She reached down and picked it up to reveal vital information as it was the driver's licence of none other than Ajax's mother, Venus Petropolus.

She raised a small smile knowing she know their address and can now start to plan the rescue of il suo amato. She then went to answer the door as she saw that Yoko has managed to bring Bianca and Davina. After Wednesday let them in she told them all about the situation and they all agreed to help out on the rescue. After all, agreeing they started to plan how they would get Enid back.

They talked for 20 minutes revealing that they lived in a small town called underhill which was 15 minutes away from Jericho and also their plan. Within seconds of them ending their conversation, Yoko had taken Wednesday's backpack and placed it into her car as she shouted
"Hurry up it is like you want her to die MOVE!"

Within seconds they sprinted into Yoko's car once they were all in yoko didn't once take her foot off the gas as she got to the address in 6 minutes.

They stepped out as they stuck to their plan with Wednesday going in alone then 3 minutes later the rest would follow. Wednesday kicked the door open as she screamed "Where is my Wife you bunch of snakes!"

Straight after she shouted she saw a woman walking down the stairs she replied "You must be that killer's wife then Wednesday is it? I can't believe you think I will tell you she took My treasure so il take yours."

Wednesday glared before saying "I didn't but I know you will tell them"

At this point, Bianca walked in and also Venus's husband walked behind  her wife as Bianca used her song saying "we're here to save show us the way"

Both Venus and her husband fell under the Siren song but not Wednesday as Bianca gave her an amulet that would make her immune to the song. Meanwhile, Venus leads the way around the back of their house and to a small hut at the end of their garden.

When they got there Yoko and Davina arrived with there hands behind their backs as they opened the door to the hut. Once they saw Enid. Wednesday was filled with rage as she saw Enid was asleep but was chained up with her favourite shirt ripped all over and blood stained her face was covered in blood however the thing Wednesday was most concerned with was the chains attached to Enid as she saw it was solid silver and burning enids wrists.

Wednesday let her feelings clear as she got out a pocket knife and stabbed Venus in her hip causing a blood-curdling scream as Venus then tried to attack her but davina was on hand and threw a hatchet axe into Venus' back. However, Venus' husband managed to get their hands on Wednesday and turned her around as he was about to show his snakes. But just before he managed to show an arrow went straight into his neck killing him instantly.

Wednesday had a shocked look as she turned round and saw Yoko with the crossbow in hand she smiled at Wednesday and said "well I couldn't let you be stoned could now save your girl.

Wednesday mouthed a thank you back as she went up to Venus who couldn't move and snapped her neck killing her. She then got a key out from one of the limp body's jacket pockets before moving next to Enid. She checked to see if Enid had a pulse which she did as she said to Enid "I'm here Cara Mia the nightmares are over"

At this point, Enid started to wake as she smiled smelling Wednesday's scent and she then opened her eyes to see her wife undoing the chains which had caused burn blisters all over her wrists. She could feel the pain still but once they were free she wrapped Wednesday into a hug and kissed her before she whispered into Wednesday's ear "my hero killer queen"

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