chapter 26

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Tw self-harm  suicidal intentions

The next morning Enid woke up around 8.30 am. However, she woke up and felt as if she had been hit over her head with a shovel as her hangover started to take effect. She then twisted her body to go and hug Wednesday but to her shock, she wasn't there. She then looked over to the couch and noticed there were pillows at the top.

She realised Wednesday had slept on there. She then got out of the bed and as she got out she noticed she was still in her suit from the night before and as she walked over to go to the bathroom she noticed a note from Wednesday.

'Enid. I've gone to go and clear my head don't know when I will be back ps thanks for the huge mark on my hip'.

At this point, Enid started getting flashbacks to the party but the last thing she could remember was the shots. Suddenly it hit her as she realised she had got so drunk that she had hurt Wednesday. 

Instantly she started to cry as she started saying to herself 'Enid you stupid ball of fur. You've just thrown away your wife all because you decided to get drunk and now you're going to be a lone wolf again you idiot."

She ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower she just sat down as she started to cry her eyes out she cried for another 5 minutes before she again said to herself "Clearly I shouldn't be here all I do is fuck everything up"

At this point, she got out her claws and looked at them before she placed them at her neck when suddenly the bathroom door burst open.

(Wednesdays pov)

It's 6 am and I've just woken up after an uncomfortable sleep as I couldn't bare to be in the same bed as Enid after her antics last night. It's a miracle that we even got back here given the state she was in.

I have to get out of here for a while I thought I need to get on track with my writing time. I quickly search and find a local coffee shop that opened recently I thought it's going to be quiet so no distractions the perfect place I started to get dressed in a black tracksuit and wrote her a note letting her know il be back then I head down to the shop.

I get there at around 6.15 and luckily they did quads and to my surprise, it was one of the best quads I've ever had. I took a sip as I got my phone and started to write into the notepad app.

Two hours passed when suddenly my mind just thought back to Enid I should get back and help her and maybe I should have just written it on the desk in the room coz she's going to fear the worst.

I save the notes and finish my quad before I run back to make sure I'm there for my beloved I get back when I get in I can hear enids sobs but can also hear the shower going. Instantly I know something is up I noticed that the door ain't locked so I barge through and I can't believe what I'm.seeing

(Everyone pov)

Instantly Wednesday sprints into the shower without the care she's wearing her tracksuit and grabs Enid and gives her the biggest hug she has ever given to make sure Enid can't hurt herself. Enid goes and hugs back as she starts to sob into Wednesday

They stayed embraced in a tight hug for 10 minutes. Wednesdays's tracksuit is now soaked but she doesn't care as she's drying off Enid and giving her kisses in between drying herself and Enid. When they were dry Wednesday.  Sat on the bed and asked Enid to sit next to her which she did as she simply said "I think we need to speak about what I say don't you?"

Enid nodded as she said "After my antics last night and you not being here when I woke up I felt ashamed, embarrassed and a failure. Also I thought you had left me and if I can't be with you then I don't wanna live" as she started to cry again.

Wednesday noticed Enid start to cry. She cupped enids cheek and wiped the tears away before she held both of Enid's hands as she said "Enid I made a vow to be there in are good times and our bad and I'm sticking to that for the rest of my life. Plus Enid you are far from a failure. Hell, you are an amazing singer and it shows you are a global star and an award winner how many people can say that? However yes I was a little mad about last night but since then I now see the funny side"

But you know if you went I wouldn't be able to continue on this earth. Once Addams loves we love hard and it's happened because of you Enid. I love how you've helped me and I've helped you and I can't wait for the many more times we help each other my Cara Mia."

At this point, Enid cried again however this time she was smiling as she replied to Wednesday
"Thank you Wednesday and I'm sorry you had to see me like this but your right we stick together."

Wednesday smiled and replied "Yes we do but can I say something?  Keep the uniform I think we could use it some time you feel up for it if u know what I mean" as she raised a small smirk

Enid smiled back as she replied "It had crossed my mind maybe when we get back you need to give me a Detention for my actions"

They both laughed as Wednesday changed her clothes and watched Frozen 2 until they had to check out as Enid has been dying to watch the sequel. Wednesday couldn't stand it but as long as Enid was smiling she could smile.

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