chapter 16-woeful responce

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It had been 3 hours since Enid had placed her phone on silent little did she know what was coming when she would look at her phone again.

During that time she had been making dinner for Wednesday and herself as well as spending time playing around with Argos. As they were just about to eat their dead man's fingers, Pugsley came running in and screamed.

"Enid your trending online!!!!"

Enid was just about to eat when she dropped her food back onto the place as she replied

"No way that's impossible, like I would go viral"

She then got her phone out and saw her TikTok app had over 100 notifications. She then opened the app and her jaw dropped as she clicked on her video to see 1.5 million likes and 780 comments. As she was reading the comments she noticed a comment from, 'thatvampgirl' saying someone give her a record deal!!

She then looked up and saw a small smile from Wednesday as she said to Enid "well the song is ear-bleeding with the music and lyrics but the singer is amazing and beautiful."

Enid blushed heavily as she continued to play the song as they looked into each other's eyes when suddenly they just heard a loud bark from Argos. They looked around and couldn't find him when suddenly they heard a familiar noise of fingertips. At that point, they noticed he was sprinting the best he could on the tips of his fingers as he was being chased by their pet.

Wednesday was the one who had to jump in as she picked up thing and placed him on the table out of reach of Argos who looked at Wednesday and gave her the sad eyes. However, it didn't work as she commanded to Argos "NO WE DO NOT TRY TO EAT THING HES NOT MEAT BAD DOG"

Argos then looked up towards thing with the eyes as thing then slid off the table and went next to Argos and placed two of his fingers on to Argos' belly and started to stroke which in turn made Argos roll over giving thing more access to rub as think claimed onto his belly and made his way to the bottom of his neck did a little stroke to which Argos panted before going back to rubbing his belly.

Once enid had seen this she went to her knees and started rubbing Argos's belly as well she said "does My baby like his belly rubbed yes he does doesn't he", As she rubbed his belly fast causing him to bend his legs in delight.

They continued this for 10 minutes before going back to their room where Enid made a follow-up video thanking everyone who helped her go viral. within seconds she was getting so many postative comments from everyone and the likes but suddenly she saw one notification that blew her mind as the notification said "Atlantic records is now following you" Enid couldn't believe it as she followed back thinking that would be it.

An hour had passed and Enid was still getting likes on her TikTok as they started to watch the girl in the basement when Enid received a direct message she opened the message only to find out Atlantic records had messaged her as it Said

Hello Enid we came across your tiktok and we loved the creativity of the song and you sang it very well. We are messaging you today as we believe this song could do well if released to the public. Please contact us via email at artist @

Enid couldn't believe this was happening to her as she responded to the email saying
Hi, thank you for contacting me I was told to reply to this email about a song I posted on tik tok.

Within 5 minutes she received a follow-up saying

'Thank you for getting back so quickly. But we were wondering if you would like to join the Atlantic Records family as a singer/songwriter.

Craig Kallman
Chairman/CEO '

When Enid saw the response she instantly fell out of her seat in shock she had just been asked to join.

She thought to herself for a little while before she said "I've made my decision"

The Raven and the Wolf. Life after nevermore Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora