chapter 22- An american werewolf in London

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(But Enid got an even bigger shock at what Lucian was about to tell her.)

"Enid are you free in 3 weeks,"  Lucian asked.

Enid was a little confused as she replied "Yeah why what's up do you need me in the studio?"

Lucian responded "not exactly Enid but it does involve your songs. You see you probably know this but you are kind of a big deal in the UK and there is an awards show in London called the BRIT awards."

Enid responded "Yeah I've heard about it but that's it got to do with me"

At this point Wednesday placed her hands in her head as she said in her head 'honestly Enid how have you not realised it yet' after she heard was Lucian was saying as it was on speaker

Lucian explained, "Well during the event they have live performances and well they rang me and they want you to perform at the event."

Enid's jaw just dropped before it was suddenly replaced with a huge smile as she shouted down the phone "yes yes yes of course il do it." Meanwhile, Wednesday smiled knowing how happy her wife was.

Lucian laughed as he replied "There's something else I need to tell you as well though Enid and I think you are going to like this. Well not only will you be performing but you've also been nominated for best breakthrough artist."

There was a sudden silence for thirty seconds before Enid just screamed so loud in delight and tearing up with happiness. She shouted down the phone happily "omg omg omg thank you thank you I can't believe it"

Lucian replied, "congratulations Enid you deserve this so much il send you the details and also if there's anything you want to send over for your performance let me know and il arrange it."

Enid then thanked him again and ended the call. When she did Wednesday kissed her as she said "look at you being asked to perfume in the UK. I'm so proud of you Cara Mia"

(3 weeks later)

Enid and Wednesday woke up in their 5-star London Hotel after a gruelling 12 hours of travelling to the airport and the flight. They got ready before heading to the arena where the event was taking place where she met up with Lucian who explained what going to happen and everything she needed to know. Before they headed out to sightsee for the day. They quickly jumped onto a tube which Enid, of course, had to take pictures of the confusing map layout and after jumping on the wrong line like many tourists do they got on the correct line towards the shard.

After spending 30 minutes there they headed onto their next destination which Enid has planned especially for Wednesday the tower of London which Wednesday was fascinated with given its history before jumping onto the next sight they wanted to visit. Buckingham Palace.

Again Enid had to take a selfie and even got one with one of the guards. After she had taken a couple of selfies she asked Wednesday "do ever wonder what it would be like to be a leader of a whole population."

Wednesday replied "all the time I would make sure that they knew I was in charge and anyone who tried to take me down would suffer most horribly and the world would learn not to mess with me again"

Enid went silent regretting the question after what she heard before Wednesday responded "I would ask yours but in a way, I know you already do sort of lead a population of people. Since after all you are the alpha of the wolf pack." (The name given to her fans)

She chuckled at that before they walked over to Wednesday admired the building work as Enid took pictures however Enid got all excited as she said "we have one sight left big Ben"

They quickly walked over and as they saw it Enid got all giddy as she turned to Wednesday and said "Behold Big ben"

Wednesday looked up and sighed before she bluntly replied "it's a clock tower, Enid!"

Enid laughed a bit knowing it was such a Wednesday response. They walked over towards the entrance of the tower to enter. however, enids plans were ruined as just before they were going enter they were refused entry due to the fact they weren't UK residents.

Wednesday saw the look of disappointment in enids eyes as she hugged her and asked "would you like to visit anywhere else Mon Cheri"

Enid shook her head and responded "I think we should just head back to the hotel" she felt so embarrassed for not checking up on the information and it was visible all the way back to the hotel. However, on the tube Wednesday was somehow able to get a signal on her phone and secretly booked a special gift for Enid to cheer her up. After pressing book she thought to herself

Mon Cheri will love this little gesture.

(Authors note)

Again I would like to thank everyone who votes comments and reads these chapters. However, in this chapter, I've never been to any of these places so if there are any errors apologies also what do.people think this gesture is for Enid? Hint it happens that night and no it is not stuff with smut.

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