chapter 19 the follow up

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It had been two weeks since Enid had been kidnapped but fortunately rescued thanks to her wife, Bianca, Yoko and Davina and as a way of thanks Enid had taken them all out of a meal at jerichos classiest restaurant thanks to the sales of her debut song. Where she talked about her ordeal. She explained how she just remembered hearing the door smash open, grabbing her phone to get help and then a sudden flash of Ajax Parents before explained as if it just went dark, yet when her eyes opened she was in the chains with the pain of the silver chains worse then anything physical pain she's experienced before.

They talked throughout the meal until straight after their desserts her phone rang. She looked and saw that Craig was contacting her. She excused herself for a little while to answer the call.

When she answered the call Craig said to her.

"Enid! How's my favourite wolf getting on?

Enid laughed before she replied
"Hi, Craig I'm doing great apart from having a crazy Incident two weeks ago but apart from that all is good. I've got a song idea when I get back home but it's much darker than my last since I don't wanna be a one-trick wolf"

Craig laughed before responding
"Nice touch wolfie, if you are out I won't keep you long but that's actually why I was calling the fans are asking repetitively for new music from you and I feel a change in style will be great for you and gain for fans. When it's done please send it over so I can go check it out."

Enid smiled before she responded back
"Will do Craig and thanks I will have that sent over by the end of the day
Talk soon"

At this point, she ended the call and went back as she told everyone that Atlantic was on the phone asking her when new music would be sent.

At this point Yoko said
"How often do they ask you just its not been long since your debut song. BTW congrats on the number one won't be long until you tour"

Enid smiled before she replied back
"Thanks, Yoko and this is the first time but I should expect it soon there going to want to release an album which will lead to the tours."

Yoko nodded as did the rest. Five minutes later they paid up and made their separate ways as Enid and Wednesday headed back only to be bombarded with kisses from Argos as they got back and Enid getting hugged to death by her dad who was dog-sitting. After he left Wednesday spent time playing with Argos whilst Enid put the finishing touches to her song before she started to sing into the recording equipment which had been sent since joining Atlantic.

[Verse 1]
Woke up so far from the night sky, throat chained at the collar
Couldn't get any farther from the moonlight
Was I still dreamin', stuck to a machine or
Chokin' and screamin' with my paws tied?

Howlin' and callin', but nobody comes
Stumblin' and fallin', no air in my lungs
Gettin' so comfortably numb
Don't know how I opened up my eyes

But I'm still alive
I don't wanna just survive
Give me somethin' to sink all my teeth in
Chew on a Hyde and spit out my demons
Still alive
Almost died a thousand times
Went to Hell, but I'm back and I'm breathin'
Make me bleed while my heart is still beatin'

Still alive

[Verse 2]
Sucked out the poison, drowned out thе noise
'Cause I made a choicе and drew a hard line
Gonna let the wolf rule me,
That's all I'll allow
If anybody asks, I'm wolfin' out now!

Chasin' the gorgons that would haunt me at night
Facin' my past 'cause I'm up for the fight
Somebody turned on the light
I'm not afraid to open up my eyes

But I'm still alive
I don't wanna just survive
Give me somethin' to sink all my teeth in
Chew on a Hyde and spit out my demons
Still alive
Almost died a thousand times
Went to Hell, but I'm back and I'm breathin'
Make me bleed while my heart is still beatin'

Almost died
Suddenly, I'm

But I'm still alive
I don't wanna just survive
Give me somethin' to sink all my teeth in
Chew on a Hyde and spit out my demons
Still alive
Almost died a thousand times
Went to Hell, but I'm back and I'm breathin'
Make me bleed while my heart is still beatin'

Still alive
Still alive

Still alive'

Once she finished she nodded to herself knowing it was good. When suddenly she noticed Wednesday was standing in the corner as they made contact Wednesday was trying to get words out as she was speechless.

Enid looked directly at her as she said

Wednesday finally managed to respond
"Amazing Holy shit. I love it when you go dark. That's going to be number one. Plus Yoko was right it won't be long before your tour."

Enid moved over to kiss her and after she did she responded to Wednesday

"Thanks, and you know what the best thing is about the touring? The amount things I can Try with your in the hotel rooms" winking at Wednesday making her blush

She then collected the clip and sent it over waiting to hear the response from Craig.

(Authors note)

First of all, I would like to give a huge thanks to Reddit user sunshinegunpoweder ( Emilia-Carter on Ao3) for taking the time to write them lyrics based on the song stay alive by demi levato

Also, I want to thank everyone who's been voting and commenting on the story. I hope this chapter hasn't let you down

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