chapter 9

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It had been two hours since Enid and Wednesday had returned to there Hotel as they were half way through a movie that was pure hell for Wednesday. However she was the one who had put it on as she was doing all she could to try and help Enid after the events of the day. As soon as Wednesday wrapped her in her arms, a ping echoed around the room from Enids phone.

Within seconds Enid was looking at the message which wrote.
'Enid it's Darius, Dad gave me your number but ring me urgently it's about mom!'

Enid instantly called and before Darius could even say hello Enid was panicking over the phone as she said
"Darius what's happend is mom OK?"

There was a little pause as Darius sighed before replying
"Enid I'm sorry to say this but she's gone she past twenty minuites ago dad's on his way now were all gathering tonight for a hunt in her honour"

Enid started to cry again and in between sobs she replied
"No she can't you lying please say your lying"

He simply responded back
"I wish I was Enid but this has caught us all off guard I'm just glad you two were able to reconnect with each other."

They soon ended the call and instantly Wedensday wrapped her up in her arms as she said "Cara Mia I'm so sorry"

Enid couldn't respond back as she was buried into Wednesday shoulder though she was crying so hard as grief had taken over her as she was held tighter be Wednesday.

Twenty minuites later they had left the hotel and were on there way back and when they arrived they noticed every member of the sinclair pack was there all showing there grief. Enid looked up and that's when she saw her farther who looked as if his whole world was destroyed. Enid walked over as they wrapped each other into hugs. Before her dad spoke

"I'm glad yous to got to reconnect like I did with her whilst yous were away."

Enid smiled before responding "I'm glad yous did as well now let's make this hunt the best yet for her."

It wasn't  long after that everyone started to wolf put and the hunt had begun. Enid and Wednesday stayed by each other the whole time as was the sinclair tradition every member of the sinclairs would bring back something from the hunt as a sacrifice to be cremated along side the deceased.

As they were running Wednesday noticed a deer as she nudged Enid signaling she could use it as her sacrifice. Within seconds she had its lifeless body in her hands and the rest of the pack also where carrying there sacrifices ranging from deers to rabbits.
As they all arrived back there went to back of the sinclair house where there lay the body of Esther sinclair.

As there got closer they noticed she was lying on a bed of freshly dug soil and a couple flowers to ease the smell of burning flesh as one by one each member placed there sacrifies next to Esther. It then came enids turn she couldn't face saying the last fairwell to her mother. At this point Wednesday placed her arm around her as she knew Enid needed her more then ever as they started to walk up to her mother. Enid lay her sacrifice down as she then said

"Mom im so sorry I wasn't there at the end but I know you will be proud for this sacrife and I hope the next life serves you well  i love you mom"

She started to walk back with Wednesday arm firmly round her back her brothers then finished it off  placing there offerings down and saying there words.

Once all offerings were down it was Enids dad who had to duty to start the flames as he went up he placed the threw the fire torch into the middle as he started to howl and seconds later the rest of the pack did. Enid did her best to make sure that her howl could be herd for Miles but in her right ear she herd Wednesday howling as well which was something nobody expected. Which Enid was so happy about.

They watch as they seen the flames engulf Esther's body which would signal the start of her journey to the new life as taught to all werewolfs.

Not long after they were all inside as a wake was being held it was at this point  Enid spoke to Wednesday.

"Thank you so much for helping me out back there I couldn't of done it without you and it was nice to hear you howl.

Wednesday looked directly at her as she said "Enid you know that I'm always going to be here for you in good time and bad il do everything for you."

Enid raised a small smile as they then started talking to the rest of the pack before it was time to head back.

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