chapter 24 -the awards (part 1)

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Enid woke up today just as the sun crept through the window of their hotel room.  she sat up then reality hit her tonight was the awards and the first time she would perform live.

Soon after Wednesday awoke as she simply smiled when she saw Enid as she said "Mon Cheri you're going to kill it tonight and will win in your category if you don't I will do my own killing to make sure you win it"

Enid then walked over to Wednesday and kissed her before she got on top of Wednesday and kissed her some more. 

As much as Wednesday wanted this she had to say no to her beloved as tonight even if Enid won or lost and if she messed up her performance she was going to treat her to something special. She pulled Enid off her as she said "Save your energy for your performance and il make it up to you after the awards."

Enid smirked knowing what was coming as she just hugged into Wednesday as they decided to rent a movie from the hotel options.

(Time skip)

After 6 hours of being stuck in their room by the organisers of the event, they were now on their way to the venue as they had to do the red carpet photos.

Enid had gone classy with a white suit look but her blazer had splashes of yellow and black as well as her trousers she completed her look by having her hair in waves with a little bit of makeup and the shoes she had on the night before.

Wednesday also made an effort she wore a black blazer a black shirt and black dress shirts with black heels her hair loose and little makeup.

As they made their way down the carpet Enid stopped for the photos as Wednesday went out of shot but didn't go far from Enid. When they reached the end they were met by Lucian who spoke: "Enid you are looking amazing and also your wife is as well though is there every time she does wear black?"

Enid was about to speak when Wednesday butted in "Actually yes when me and Enid are in bed wearing our birthday suits. However when not in the bedroom il stop wearing black when they make a darker colour"

Lucian was trying to process what he had just heard. He managed to compose himself before he told Enid "Your dressing room is down this corridor then second on the right. Everything is set up next to the stage for your performance so dont worry about that and good luck too." 

Lucian and Enid both went in separate directions. As Enid entered her dressing room 90 minutes before the show started which Enid would be opening. She let Wednesday stay in her room for 20 minutes before she told her to sit at the table there were allocated in the arena as she had a surprise waiting for her. But before Wednesday left she took off her wolf fang necklace and gave it to Enid and told her "I think it's appropriate for Wolfie to wear it for her first gig and your gonna own it  out there"

Enid smiled and kissed Wednesday as a thank you before she told her she had to get ready.

(Time skip)

The arena was now packed and suddenly the lighting changed as the host for the evening came out to huge applause. As he started to speak "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Brit awards
(Everyone was now cheering and applauding)

Now to open up the show we have a super talent rising star from the USA but tonight we will make history as she becomes the first outcast singer to perform at the BRITS. Ladies and gentlemen giving it up for Wolfie"

Whilst the host was doing his intro Enid was now at the side of the stage taking deep breaths before she composed herself just as the host was finishing his intro.

She walked out to a mass of cheers and applause as the cameras started to pan in ready for the performance to start. She came out in her old Nevermore uniform so it was obvious she was going to start with the song that made her famous. She was nervous at first but soon she started to hear the crowd singing along which gave her more energy as he made the stage her and as she finished a huge puff of smoke came up as the crowd cheered more.

Suddenly the music changed into stay alive and Wednesday's jaw just dropped when the smoke cleared. She saw Enid had just done a quick change into a black corset and black hot pants with her fang necklace on show. She just wanted to jump onto the stage and make love to her there and then.

Meanwhile, Enid started to sing stay alive as she moved up the stage to the very top which was in the middle between tables she looked and smirked at Wednesday when she saw her opened mouth. She got halfway into the song when the music changed. As she spikes to the world
"Everyone this is my new song out next week its called where did the party go"

She heard cheers as she revealed the song to the world

Na, na, na, na, na, na,
Na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na,
Na, na, na, na, na

I'm here to claw your hearts,
It's the only reason that I sing
I don't believe a word you say,
But I can't stop listening

This is the story of how we met,
Her picture was on the back Of the school's old mess
And when I touched her she turned ruby red
A story that we'll never forget
Never forget

And now she smoking Menthols,
When I'm getting back rubs,
I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enough

My old aches become new again
My old woes become dead again

Oh, where did the party go?
We were ending it on the phone
I'm not gonna go home alone
Where, where did the party go?

Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, yeah

I know you expect too much
And not enough all at once
You know we only wanted fun
And you got me all fucked up
Oh no

You put my  name on the Ouija board
And you're making magic oh dear lord
You and me are the difference between real love
And the love on TV, love on TV

And now she smoking Menthols,
When I'm getting back rubs,
I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enough

My old aches become new again
My old woes become dead again yeah

Oh, where did the party go?
We were ending it on the phone
I'm not gonna go home alone
Where, where did the party go?

Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na

For All the kids who screamed (we aint the same)
In sweaty rooms
Now we're doomed to organizing walk-in closets like tombs

(She looked around and the crowd were loving it as she was setting the vibes around the arena that tonight was a party)

Silent film stars stuck in talking cinema light
(At this point she showed off her vocal range which was met with mass cheers and applause as confetti canons shot off either side of her and pink confetti showed the arena)
So let's fade away together one dream at a time
(She then started to signal to the audience to start clapping which they did as she said everyone sing along in which they did)

Na, na, na, na, na, na,
Na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na,
Na, na, na, na

Oh, where did the party go?
We were ending it on the phone
I'm not gonna go home alone
Where, where did the party go?

When it ended she was met with a standing ovation as she was getting her breath back but smiling all the time as she knew her first live performance was a smash.

Authors note
Longer chapter for yous all here hope yous enjoyed it and the base of the song is from the same song title by fallout boy.

Also once again thank you for the votes and comments and if anyone would to see anything written into the story please let me know

Thank you all.

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