chapter 14

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A week later and the two returned to the animal shelter. This time it was lurch who took them as he would also be driving the three of them back to the Addams' home.

When they entered they were warmly greeted again by the staff who then led their way down to Argos. On their way, the staff told them he passed vet checks without any issues. However, they mentioned that since they left he had been crying every night and staring out looking for them.

Once they arrived at Argos and true to the staff's words he looked so upset Enid's heart broke seeing him like that, however when Argos saw Enid and Wednesday his eyes lit up knowing they were back and his tail waved frantically in happiness. It was at that moment a lead was given to Enid and Wednesday as the staff said "congratulations he's yours now" Enid took the lead and attached it to his collar but then she picked him up into her arms and when she looked down at him. Her heart warmed even more when Argos give a little lick to enids Chin.

As they walked back up now with Argos the remaining staff were applauding them back up. They had to sign one more document for his release to the Addams and once they did they were handed a small clock and they were told to hide it in the dog bed as it sounds like a mother's heartbeat which in turn helped them to sleep. They then left the building and lurch was waiting outside he opened the door for the three as Enid placed Argos into his new bed which was black which a pink interior. As he made himself comfy before a small whimpering yawn came out of the puppy's mouth causing Enid and Wednesday's hearts to melt due to him.

As they were driving back Enid was stroking Argos whilst Wednesday was staring out of the window which Enid suddenly noticed.

She looked up and said to her "everything ok weds?"

Wednesday turned to her and you could see on her face she was deep in thought as she replied "Yeah I'm fine" as she went back to looking out of the window"

Enid knew exactly what was up and she placed her hand on her knee as she asked " Your thinking about Nero ain't you?"

Wednesday nodded as she said "it's just Argos is my first pet since Nero and them memories are still in my head about what happened.

Enid now holding Wednesday's hand said "Wednesday you were only young back then since then you've learnt to defend yourself and if anyone tried to hurt little Argos now WE can wolf out and deal with them no one will hurt him.

At this point, Wednesday looked down at Argos and started to stroke him as she said to him "no one is going to ever hurt you or I swear they will meet their maker quicker than they can imagine"

She then started to scratch the top of his head and a small smile emerged as she saw that his tail started to move as he was starting to wake.

Soon after Argos woke as he moved towards Wednesday who then picked him up and placed him at her eye level. Enid saw a whole new side to her wife as Wednesday tried to do her best at making a baby voice as she said "did you have a good sleep there I bet you did next to your mother's" as Argos licked her chin.

Whilst this was happening Enid just looked in amazement seeing how Wednesday was acting she said to herself  "she's going to be a great mother to Argos she's so protective and I know that when the time comes we have a child she will be a fantastic protector and spoil them to the moon"

As the journey continued they took turns holding Argos both showing amazing qualities of being a parent. Soon they arrived back home. As lurched opened the door as Enid walked out first then Wednesday who was carrying Argos lovingly as they walked Into the house. She placed Argos down as he explored his new home as Gomez and Morticia had come downstairs to see the addition to the family. As they came down they looked around and couldn't see him until Gomez looked down and Argos was by his feet looking up. He then picked him up and said  "oh ain't you a little nightmare. Already you've stabbed my heart" he then tickled the bottom of his head causing him to wag his tail again. At this point, Enid and Wednesday smiled at each other knowing Argos was going to be loved by every family member.

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