chapter 20 - dance off

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(Time skip 2 weeks)

Wenid (Yokos new ship name) are now heading back to the Addams family home as they decided they will be having a family event for two special occasions Wednesdays novel 'The Hyde & Muerte' had recently became a best seller and the newest Addams Enid had had her latest song released and had both her songs and 1st and 2nd in the national music charts.

They had arrived back at the Addams's home Two hours ago which gave them plenty of time to get ready however they had been told to dress up for the occasion. To add to the surprise Wednesday asked Enid if they could get changed separately so that they could each get a nice surprise when they saw each other again.

They agreed to meet inside Wednesday's old room where she would get ready whilst Enid took the room. Wednesday was the first to be ready she was wearing a black dress which showed off her cleavage and meshed all up the side which little feathery detailing at the bottom and to complete the look she wore white shin-high socks with black shoes with a small square heel. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door knowing exactly who it was. When she opened it her jaw dropped at what she saw.

Enid had dressed for the occasion in a black full-length dress with feathers at the top she also wore a set of heels she also added an ear cuff to her look of a silver-like quality so that it didn't hurt her. Wednesday couldn't help but admire how her wife looked as she quickly locked her lips with Enids before finishing the kiss by saying "Are you even real? So so beautiful la mia incredibile moglie"

Enid blushed through her make-up as she kissed back before she replied
" αν νομίζεις ότι είμαι όμορφη, είσαι δέκα φορές πιο απαίσια ντυμένη έτσι"
(if you think I'm beautiful you are ten times more especially dressed like that)

They kissed again before making their way down where they saw the whole family turn their heads as they couldn't help but be amazed at how the two looked. Morticia walked over to Enid and said "My dear how delightfully tragic you look!"

Enid had learnt that by this time Morticia was admiring how she looked as she replied knowing now how the Addams were "Thank you so much Black is such a happy colour" Morticia smiled then walked back to Gomez as Enid and Wednesday took the time to thank everyone who came to help celebrate.

An hour later Gomez and Morticia decided it was time for some dancing now and as normal for the Addams, it was in a Tango as the two took to the floor.

Enid and Wednesday watched as the two showed their passion in their dancing when Enid said in Wednesday's ear. "I think we can show them who got more passion"

Wednesday turned to her and asked, "Have you ever done the tango?"

Enid laughed and said just let me lead since I'm the tall one"

At that moment Wenid entered the floor and Enid showed so much passion in her dancing that it made the parents step up their passion with their dancing which in turn caused the two young lovers to step up their tango.

The way they were dancing it was like a battle about who could show more however if they did there wouldn't be much dancing going on and wouldn't be a good sight for everyone watching the two couples dancing off.

Eventually, the music stopped as they all congratulated each other on their show of passion however as they left the dance floor Wednesday whispered into Enid's ear "Well that dancing has got me into the mood to show you more passion if you want" as she winked at Enid.

Enid smiled back almost dragging her away. That was until her phone suddenly went off to find out it was the record label again. She reluctantly answered it says "what now I'm at a family event"

She expected a lighthearted response back but she was met with a responce that shook her " Enid the songs you have for the rest of album are terrible  I need you in LA tomorrow. I've had my songwriters write you some songs and we will get them recorded and on the album."

All of a sudden Enid shouted over the phone "NO! I'm not doing someone else's songs either accept mine or nothing also don't ring back tonight. MY FAMILY COMES FIRST NOT MY CAREER!"

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