chapter 28- another love

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(Warning of smut)

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant the waiter instantly took them to their reserved as the day before Wednesday entered the restaurant and paid the restaurant a little extra. When they arrived at their table Enid noticed there were candles on the table whilst the rest didn't have this she noticed a rose in front of her seat and next to it was a letter in Wednesday's handwriting.

Enid opened it up and she read the letter out loud


This past year has been amazing, especially with having you as an Addams and more importantly my wife.

We have had the ups and down but my love for you never died.

I hope that for many more years, we can enjoy this memory. However, now I think it's time it wasn't just us two celebrating this occasion and as I know you said you'd want pups of our own. (At this point Enid's eyes started to water as she smiled)

So if you look under your plate there is something I'd like to give to you which shows I'm ready for the next step with us

Your wife

Enid instantly looked up to Wednesday who had a small smile appearing. Enid then lifted her plate to see another letter. However, this one was from a local orphanage which only had kids who were outcasts and it read that there was an appointment booked for the next day at 1 pm.

At this point before Enid could say anything the waiters came along and delivered their starters of mushroom soup as Wednesday had already placed their order the day before when she came in as they always ordered the same every time.

After a few spoonfuls, Enid finally spoke up and said "Weds, are you serious about us having our own family this early?"

Wednesday simply said, "Enid yes I'm ready and I know you are as well you've wanted this for a while and secretly I have to."

Enid smiled and started to play footsie with her wife as they finished the starters.

Soon after their mains arrived 2 filet mignon stakes both rare as rare served with fries.

This time it was Wednesday who spoke first "You enjoying the menu I pulled off for you Enid"

She responded, " I'm loving it so much I can't believe you managed to sneak out and did all this without me knowing."

Wednesday laughed as she said "You know I'm a master of stealth so it was so easy and if it failed I would have got thing to distract you. But once again thank you for an amazing year as my wife"

At that point, Wednesday started to cut into her stake letting the blood swim around the plate. She then picked up one of her fries and dipped it into the now pool of blood that had formed on the plate she then slowly placed it into her mouth as Enid looked at her directly as she placed it in her mouth.

Enid couldn't help but say "You know that's creepy as fuck but it's so sexy too it makes me want you so bad right now"

Wednesday replied "Well I'm just getting you ready for later as she winked"

"Oh il be ready alright," she said then quickly finished her meal as did Wednesday.

They then asked for their desserts to be placed in takeaway containers as they then made their way home.

As soon as they got home Wednesday told Enid to lie on the bed as she would get ready in the Bathroom

Five minutes later Wednesday arrived from the bathroom to see she was wearing black lace lingerie she then went onto all fours with her backside facing Enid and she revealed writing on the back of the underwear which read Enids only'

She then jumped off the bed and got her phone out of her bag along with the deserts from the restaurant as she started to play a cello version of paint it black she then slowly removed her bra as she then pushed her arms across pulling her breasts together as she then danced around so she was facing away as she slowly bent over and removed her underwear.

By this stage, Enid was begging for it as she was licking her lips in excitement. Wednesday then got the two desert boxes and placed them next to Enid as she crawled up. Enid knew what was coming and she quickly nodded to say Wednesday could do as she pleased. Wednesday smiled as she quickly removed Enid's underwear leaving them both naked. She then opened one of the boxes and got the cream from the top and smothered it over enids breasts as she then licked it off giving Enid chills. Then then punched down on the cake squishing it so she could pick it up and rub it along enids entrance. Enid was loving the fact food was added to their times and Wednesday loved the double sweetness of the cake and Enid.

Eventually, Enid stood up and picked up her box and told Wednesday it was her turn Enid copied what Wednesday did however Wednesday had left some of her cake so she told Enid to get on top of her as they both ate their cake in a 69 enjoy eachother at the same time. It wasn't long after that they both climaxed together as they cleaned each other up and then hugged each other as Enid said "That was a great anniversary gift."

To which Wednesday who was covered in sweat replied "The feeling is incredibly mutual as they kissed each other passionately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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