The Note

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I pulled out my phone and messaged Mark who was out at a nearby park as a surprise to the fans since he had been so busy with me and Prometheus. He had only posted a video with a location knowing the fans would go. It was going to take place at 6 pm.

~Hey Mark, me and little Theus are going to run some errands and we might stop there if you're okay with that.

-Of course, baby stay safe, I love you 💋

~Of course, my love. I love you too 💕

With that message sent,  I placed Prometheus into the stroller and grabbed all the necessities from the stores.

After  I had grabbed everything I drove over to the house. I went back inside with Prometheus and took him to his room so he could play for a bit before I would pick him up so we could go see his dad. 

"Dada," said Prometheus since it seemed to be his favorite word to say. 

"Yes, baby. Now go play mommy is going to grab stuff." I said placing him on the floor after kissing him on the forehead.

I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me.

Once I was done grabbing everything, I returned to his room and picked him up. 

When we got back to the car it was already getting dark since it was 5 pm an hour until Mark would be greeting his fans. 

First I ran to the store and grabbed the things I needed to make dinner followed by a run to pick up the mail. 

By the time I was done, it was already 6:30 so I knew Mark was well into the meet and greet. 

I drove back to the house to put away all the brand-new groceries.

When we got to the house I felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach so I left Theus in the car to check out the house, I had never fully stopped being anxious about Amy showing up and trying to harm us.  

I started by calling out to Chica, and when she didn't come running with her tail wagging I started to panic, I ran from room to room looking for her. I ended up in the kitchen where I saw a note. 

I reached for my phone simultaneously as I grabbed the note.

As I listened to the phone ring I began to read. 

Dear my love,

I'm finally out again baby, I can't believe they tried to keep me from you. I know you don't love y/n and to prove it I have Chica. If you still love me come meet me at the spot we had our first date. I will know whether you choose me or y/n based on if you show up. Choose who you love more. Some girl you only met because shes a psycho or me the woman I know you love for who she is. We even worked together. I'll see you here by 9 am tomorrow. I love you. -Love always Amy

P.S dont you dare think of bringing the cops or Chica gets it. I don't want any games like my cellmates think you will do. 

Fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK Mark answer me please.

"Hey, what's up baby? How are the errands coming along" Mark said picking up after a few more rings.

"Oh thank god, you have to come home NOW! It's Amy, she broke in and left a horrible horrible note. I don't know where to take Prometheus I don't know if we are safe here!" I explained to Mark as tears clouded my vision and emotions caught in my throat. 

"I'll be there in 2 minutes or less. Wait in the car with the doors locked and the seats down, Just in case. I will honk 2 times and then pause and honk 3 times. Don't sit up under any circumstances until you hear that. I love you and we will figure out a way to deal with this." Mark said trying to remain calm but he had a touch of panic in his voice. 

"I love you too," I said through tears.

After he hung up I threw down the note and ran to the car. I got in and grabbed Prometheus from the back and placed him on the passenger seat. I then reached over him and pulled up on the lever while pushing on the top of his seat with my other hand causing his chair to lean back all the way. 

"Okay bud, we're gonna play hide and seek! Daddy has to find us or we lose. You can't get up or we lose, daddy said if we win you can watch a cocomelon all day tomorrow!" I said to him trying to cover my anxiety.

I laid my seat back and locked all the doors. I turned off my phone so it wouldn't be able to light up.

It felt like hours had gone by waiting for Mark to get home. The only sounds I could hear were the dogs of the neighbors barking and the occasional car passing. 

I heard a car approach and honk once.

No, not yet that's not him stay down.

Forever passed before I finally heard the code he gave us. I waited until he got to the car and looked in, I wouldn't have been able to move if he hadn't; my body had become frozen in fear.

I got out of the car and held onto Mark thankful to see him. 

"Im going to go inside and look around stay here and do the same thing, I'll turn the porch light off and on a few times in the same pattern so you know it's me. Grab Prometheus and come inside when you see the light." Mark said giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

I followed his instructions and was once again stuck waiting. 

Mark did the pattern with the light and I grabbed Prometheus and ran inside. Mark closed the door right behind me.

"So I think once he's asleep we should make a plan for what to do," Mark said after we had hugged forever, the only reason we stopped was Prometheus squirming in my arms. 

"I agree we need to do this in a smart way."

"We can make a fort for him in our room for the night and tell him we are camping to keep him occupied for tonight."

"Sounds like a good idea plus while he's playing we can make a plan which will be good."

"Hey, Prometheus wanna make a tent in our room and pretend we're camping?" I asked choosing to ignore my anxiety at this moment.

"Yes, mama." Said Prometheus holding up his arms.

I picked him up and we walked to the bedroom.

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