The day that changed everything

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Sorry this is taking so long ive been busy with school and family. Im actually also not sure where i want to go with this story so ive been trying to brainstorm on my off time.

Your pov

Today was the big day. 

I had chosen Katherine to be my maid of honor, The others were signe, molly, and marzia. Mark's best man was sean and the others were wade, Ethan and Tyler.

"Oh god what if he changes his mind?" i said to katherine who was helping put the final touches of hair and making sure everything was perfect.

"Nonsense he loves you. He is probably thinking the same thing you are and both of you are just being overly paranoid."

"Yeah...What if something goes wrong?"

My mind was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

"It won't i promise."

"How can you be so sure?"

"(Y/n) it will be fine."

Mark pov

"What if she has second thoughts? Or something goes wrong?"

"Mark calm down you're fine everything will go according to plan." said Ethan putting his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"What if Amy shows up?"

"We can handle her we have guards who she would have no chance against and if that doesn't work we will protect you."


"let's get in our places."

Your pov

 I took my dads arm as that legendary song started to play.

As we walked through the doors I saw that everyone had turned around and looked back at me. Everyone was there Mark's mom dad and brother and my parents and sibling(s).

I was so nervous but then i saw Mark and i knew he wasn't having second thoughts his face was red and there was a huge smile on his face. Was he crying? I felt that all too familiar heat behind my eyes. I was on the verge of tears. This was the happiest day of my life and I couldn't wait for our future.

We got up to where mark was and my dad let go of my arm and sat back down. 

I saw that Mark was in fact crying and i then felt the same tears starting to stream down my face. 

This was the day every girl looks forward to since she is born. Well atleast i always did.

"We are gathered here today...." All of the words were spinning and it was as if my body was wrapped in cotton. Everything seemed mumbeled, that is except, marks words.

All of a sudden 2 gun shots rang out. They sounded like they were just outside the gates.

Mark grabbed my hand and ran in the opposite direction as part of a plan in case something like this happened.

Me and mark had ran to the wooded area and climbed into a tree since nobody would think to look there. We knew it would rip our outfits but we didn't care. This was life or death at this point.

More gunshots rang out and when they had stopped I was sure we were going to die.

Mark was covering my head with his and I could feel his shirt getting soaked in tears but he didn't care.

Im not sure how long it was until someone came to get us. It could have been minutes or hours.

Tyler was the one who came and got us.

As planned the wedding was back on schedule after we were told what happened.

As Tyler had explained it Amy had gotten in and had killed the guards out front then moved onto trying to kill us out of jealousy. The guards inside had shot her in the legs and had taken her away.

As the wedding drew to an end I realized how lucky we were to have so many people who care about us. These people were willing to risk their lives for us.

The after-party was filled with dancing drinking and partying although nobody got shitface drunk.

Everyone went home after a few hours and thankfully everyone had a designated driver who stayed sober.

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