The Plan

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Mark POV

We set up the tent and left Prometheus to play. We walked to the living room and each had a notebook for writing down the best ideas. 

"I think it may be a good idea if I have a lav on me somewhere hidden, maybe on the inside of my wallet just peaking out, it's unlikely she will even think to check on my wallet. I have to meet her alone and can't bring the police but if you are close enough to listen to the feed we can send it to the police so they know along with the info, which we can take them tomorrow before this all goes down. I don't want them showing up to early and alerting her, they also would need to roll in without lights and sirens" I said thinking about the best way to meet this crazy bitch. 

"I think that's all a good idea, I'll probably have Ethan watch Prometheus and say we want to go on a date so he won't be worried," said y/n after thinking for a second.

"In case anything goes wrong you run and call 911. But you have to promise me you will find a place for you and him to be safe I am not losing either of you to her." I said looking towards our room. 

"Deal, I'll call 911 and then I'll explain everything to Ethan. He will let me stay there until everything is sorted and I know he wouldn't ever fall for her tricks, he may act dumb but I know he is actually smart. Have you guys decided to do the stuff for that special channel? I know it's only in the draft stages right now but I think it's a great idea especially since it will make it so we are out of the house a bit more." She said holding my hand.

"We haven't made it official yet but it does seem like something we are going to do and we can have you as our videographer and the backbone, Ethan and I thought that would be a fun way to have it set up especially since it is the most profound thing we will ever do in our careers." I started with a smile, hopefully hiding my anxiety over tomorrow. 

"I'd love to help you guys on that adventure it sounds fun! Anyways, we can also find a way to put a tracker on her just in case something happens, we can give that to the police along with the note. She won't be able to get away this time and she should get a harsher sentence and less chance of parole with the multitude of attacks we will have hardcore proof this time too."

 "Exactly and that will be the best possible outcome in this situation since she will obviously go to any lengths to get to me and I have to think about him. He is the most important thing to protect at this point his safety is so much more important than either of ours that's why I will do everything I can tomorrow to trick her into giving up everything. Eveen if I have to do something that will disgust me." I said feeling sick at the possibilities. 

"I know you will Mark, you're an amazing man and I just hope nothing goes wrong and you can be safe the whole time. I will make sure that we get all of his things out of the way in case she makes you bring her here. You can say I am pregnant but that you believe I chated on you or whatever you need to say in that moment to convince her. Tell her you are going to make me get rid of the baby since you still love her if it comes down to it." Y/n said gently squeezing my hand.

"I hope it doesn't come to that, I don't even want to think about her being in this house. Poor Chica she must be so confused right now. She is such a good dog I can't believe that stupid bitch would do something like this. She is so psycho its scary, maybe we should move to a new place after all of this, I don't want her knowing where we live. I can't let her have the ability to do something like this." I said getting anxious about our future.

"I agree, she clearly knew we still lived her and its not going to be easy for her to find a new place if we move, she can't just look it up."

"So then everything is decided, we have a plan, Ill look up places and hopefully we can get out of here and somewhere safe, maybe a gated community." 

We made dinner and ate in silent anxiety knowing full well what the other was feeling. After we did the dishes pausing to hold one another every once in a while when we got close to falling apart, we had to be strong tonight for Prometheus. 

Once the dishes were done and put away we played for a bit and then all three of us went to bed. 

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