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TRIGGER WARNING ~~~~~~~ signals the end of it.

 We woke up the next day and set our plan into action. We got everything ready and even got Ethan to agree to watch Prometheus.

At 8:30 we arrived at the location and Mark dropped me off about half a block away near some brush so I could hide if she wasn't there yet. 

I turned on the recording device and could hear Mark saying testing. I talked into the mic I had brought that was placed in his ear specifically for this purpose. 

"Alright cool I'm going to leave the earpiece under my seat so she doesn't know. The Lav is in place and I am going to head over to her now, she came alone from what I can see, I love you so much y/n." 

"I love you too Mark, please be safe," I responded. 

"I will of course." 

I listened as he opened and closed his car door followed by the sounds of him walking. I knew he was trying to sound calm but that he was freaking out on the inside.

"Mark! You came! I can't believe you came I was worried you'd choose that dumb bitch." I hear Amy practically scream followed by a light thud of her hugging him.

"I missed you too baby, I can't believe I married her! You knew the truth from the very start and I just couldn't see it, I'm sorry baby." I heard Mark say as he hugged her back.

I knew he was acting but it made me feel sick to my stomach. The thought of her and him still having a connection was disgusting.

"Its okay my love, you are here now and showed me who is more important, but I don't know if I can just believe you and trust you after being in jail for so long. What if you are just saying all this to get Chica back." 

I heard Mark pull her in for a kiss and felt like dying. I was happy because I knew he could fool her but the sounds of them kissing made my stomach churn to the point I was bent over holding back my breakfast.

Their kiss seemed to last forever, my personal hell coming true. When they finally separated I could hear that both of them were out of breath. Another threat of my food coming back up.

"Wow Mark, you really did miss me, tell you what, let's go out and recreate our first date, it'll be like nothing changed.  Oh and one more thing-" I heard Amy walk away from Mark and held my breath expecting the worst.

I heard the sound of Chica barking excitedly followed by the thud of her crashing into Mark.

"Hi Chica-Peeka I'm so glad you're okay, I was worried the big bad wolf would hurt you." I heard Mark whisper.


I scratched behind Chica's ears while thinking of a way to get the confession we were looking for.

"Why didn't you just leave me a note in secret? I am sure you could have found a fan who doesn't like y/n and who would have been willing to give me a note at one of my meet and greets." I asked.

"I could have, but that would have ruined the fun of the chase I'd have given it to someone else. I wanted to give you the ability to know how far I was willing to go for you." Amy explained.

"I'd have left her if you had just said the words, I just needed time to see her true side. You risked getting caught to do this what would I have done if you were?"

"Mark, I'd go to any lengths for you, if you asked me to I'd even kill her, I have a plan in place for it too just say the words and we can exact our revenge."

I thought about the option she was giving me. 

I needed to sell it and make Amy think I actually hated y/n even though the thought of losing her killed me. 

"I don't think we need to go that far yet, she is a whore but I can and will just divorce her, right now since I've met with a divorce attorney they would automatically link me to it and we can't have that. Especially since we just found one another again." I said thinking of an excuse to give her on the fly.

She seemed to accept it and I was thankful.

"I see you have the same car you did when we got together." 

"Yeah I couldn't bear to part with it, we have so many good memories in it." 


"We really did have some wild times in there didn't we". Mark said uttering the code we came up with for when I needed to call the police.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and punched in 9-1-1 and got the call button.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Hi this is gonna sound odd but I need police to the address of 548 Barnaby Way. My husband has a crazy ex and she stole our dog and told us we couldn't get the police involved or she would kill the dog. We are here now, I am hidden and we have the dog back. He just said the code words we made for when I needed to call you to get him out. She is unpredictable and might try to hurt him if she hears sirens so when they get her they need to turn off the sirens and lights. Please send help. She has already tried to kill me and hurt him so we are taking every precaution possible. We have all the proof with us and recorded her confessions." I explained to the operator.

"Okay, what's your and your husband's names?" 

"My name is y/n and his name is Mark Fischbach. The ex's name is Amy Nelson we have pressed charges before and she just got out of prison for what she was charged with."

"Alright, police are on their way, it will take them about 5 min to get there, stay where you are and stay on the phone."

"Yes ma'am."


The police got there and helped Mark out of the car where he got into his car and locked the doors as they instructed him to do.

Mark explained what was happening as they arrested Amy again. After they placed her in a squad car they talked to us keeping me out of the line of sight thankfully. 

"So can you tell us what happened from the very beginning of this incident?" Asked the police officer with the last name Jacobs embroidered onto the top of his shirt pocket.

"Well, yesterday Mark was doing a meet and greet with his fans while I ran to do some errands, when I got home I got a feeling that something was off and decided to check the house, I noticed our dog Chica was missing, and that there was a note left on the counter. After reading the note I called Mark to come home so he could see for himself. Me and our son waited in the car for Mark to get home where he checked the house and read the note himself-" I began to explain.

The officer cut me off. "Do you have this note still?" 

"Yes, here it is," I said pulling it from my back pocket and passing it to him. 

"Perfect, thank you, we will take this and put it into evidence, we may need to take this to court, and in the event that happens you will both have to go to trial, this may not happen it may be a smaller court but we can't be sure yet." Explained the police officer.

"I just want to be able to keep my family safe," Mark said pulling me close to him.

"We are going to take her into the station for questioning, if you have anything else that was used today to record anything we will need to take that as well." 

"We have recordings of what she and Mark had been saying during the meet-up," I said happy we decided to record the meeting, I knew it would be concrete evidence.

"We will need copies of the recordings by tomorrow if possible." 

"You can have this one, I put it on a hard drive as you guys were headed over," I said pulling the flash drive out of my front pocket where I put it for safekeeping. 

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