The Doctor

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Certain parts of this may be triggering.

Mark closed the door behind him and i looked over to the doctor who had moved and sat down in the chair next to my bed. 

"So (y/n), how long have you been depressed?" He asked.

"I am not sure, for as long as I can remember." I replied. 

"Okay have you ever been to a therapist?" He asked.

"Uh, yes i went to Mark for a while but i ended up having to not go when we got close." I said leaving out the fact that I saw him once and that we had to stop with the appointments because of Amy.

"So what caused you to leave them?"


"Well it's incredibly complicated." I said hoping he wouldn't push.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well it's a bit personal..."

"I have ways of getting it out of you. I don't want to resort to them- you know what yes I do." he said moving closer to me. He took a strand of my hair and sniffed it.

I reached for the emergency button but he moved it out of my reach. 

"P-please s-stop." i said tears welling up in my eyes.

"No, you brought this upon yourself you freak."

"MARK!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the doctor started to pull down his pants.

Mark busted through the door and ran up to the doctor and punched him in the nose which broke it then he began to punch him repeatedly in the face once the doctor had fallen to the ground.

"Nurse!" Mark yelled.

A young female nurse came running in.

"Get (y/n) out of here." said Mark.

"Yes sir and thank you, he is a pig this isn't the first time. We just couldn't prove it I will make sure to leave you out if the cops show up about this."  She replied sending him a wink.

The nurse took out the iv and helped my out of the bed. She helped me out to the nurses desk and had me sit down. 

As soon as I sat i began to weep.

"Why me? Why is it always me? Why can't I have a normal life?" I repeated.

"I'm so sorry." said the nurse hugging me and rubbing my back.

"Why me, why me, why me?" I couldn't stop. That was all that was going through my mind.

It must have been 10 minutes after i was pulled from that room until Mark came out, blood on his hands and shirt.

"M-mark d-did you kill him?" I asked once he had his arms around me.

"I don't know it is all a blur. When I saw what he was about to do I saw red and all i wanted to do was protect you. God why is it you who has to go through all of this. None of this would have happened if i hadn't left the house and not told you. This is all my fault jeez how am i going to be able to protect you if you go to a psych ward. I don't want you to go but I know it is what you need." said Mark putting his head against mine.

"I have an idea but i would like to talk to you guys about it in another room if you don't mind." said the nurse.

"Okay do you have an open room?" asked Mark.

"Yes we do but i would need to get you out of those clothes and into our spare outfits in case we had to cut up someone's clothes. The room is out by the waiting room as a connected room." Said the nurse.

"Okay." Said Mark getting up and following her leaving me to myself. I trusted him and i felt like my legs wouldn't support my weight anyways.

After about a minute or two i decided to go see if Mark had just murdered someone.


I walked slowly toward the room i woke up in. As I walked into the room the feeling in my gut got darker and darker. Peering over the bed i saw the doctor laying on the ground with a needle stuck in his throat. I could see that there was still blood squirting. 

The doctor was breathing heavily and slowly rose to his feet holding onto his throat in a vain attempt to stop the blood. 

"You fucking bitch. Why the fuck would you have called him? Now i will have to kill you as well." He said grabbing a pocket knife from his coat pocket.

I tried to run but i ended up tripping over a cord on the floor.

"Perfect, stay still." he said sitting on me and pinning me down with one hand.

"Mark." I screamed at the top of my lungs once again.


I woke up with a jolt in the chair. Mark was kneeling on the ground next to me.

"Oh my god are you okay?" asked Mark with a worried look on his face.

"C-Can you m-make sure h-he can't get u-up?" I asked scared my dream would come true.

"Of course. Nurse will you watch her?" asked Mark getting up and kissing my head.

"Yes sir." She replied with a nod.

I watched as Mark slowly walked into the room and peered over the bed. After a second he walked back to us.

"Yes he can not hurt anyone ever again. Nurse I'm sorry, in my rage I ended up killing him." Said Mark with a frown. "I guess this means I won't be there for our child." 

"Mr. Fischbach, don't worry I will let the cops know it was in self defense and that you had no other choice." said the nurse.

I tried to stand up and of course Mark was right there to catch me when i started to fall.

"I'll go get you a wheelchair." Said the nurse looking at me and turning to grab one.

It took the nurse about 2 minutes before she came back with a wheelchair.

"Thank you so much."

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