The Dreaded Day

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Today is the day of the trial of Amy Nelson. When I first met her I never thought she would be capable of half the psycho shit she pulled. All I could think for the week leading up to today was 'God I hope she gets the sentence she deserves.' Today felt different though. I could tell me and Mark both had the worst anxiety we'd ever faced before. 

I watched as Mark paced up and down the hall awaiting the judge to come out to say something along the lines of 'Mark Fischbach vs. Amy Nelson'.

As he got close to me I reached out for his hand to try to comfort him. He took my hand and moved closer till he was standing next to me.

Finally, the employee came out and called our case number. I could feel both Mark's and my anxiety spike knowing we were about to see the crazy bitch from hell.

"We will begin with opening arguments, the prosecutor will start followed by the defense." said the judge as everyone sat down.

"Good morning your honor, we will start by stating this case is Mark Fischbach Vs. Amy Nelson. Mark's wife is the witness we have here today her name is y/n. On the night of March 24, 2023, y/n came home to a note on the kitchen counter and the absence of her and Mark's dog Chica. At the time Mark was in a park doing a meet-and-greet with his fans in a nearby park. Mrs. Fischbach called Mr. Fischbach and explained to him what was going on. Here is the note in question, the prosecutor said pulling up an image of the note on a TV screen. As you can see Ms. Nelson threatened the life of their dog, and most people would choose to take matters into their own hands to protect their pet's life. They made a plan that night to have Mark meet up with Amy and to have him pretend to love her in order to make sure Chica, y/n, and Mark were all as safe as possible. Once Mark had the dog safe in his possession again he got a confession from Ms. Nelson stating she would go to any lengths to get Mr. Fiscbach back including killing Mrs. Fischbach. Mr. Fischbach then uttered their code words that signaled to y/n that she needed to call the police. When police arrived on the scene Mr. and Mrs. Fischbach gave the police everything needed to put Ms. Nelson in a holding cell until the trial. To include recordings of the meeting, as well as the note."

"Defense you make your opening statement." said the judge.

"Your honor, my client states she loved Chica and Mark and was instructed by Mr. Fischbach to make this elaborate show in an effort to help him divorce Mrs. Fischbach and that the original plan was to show y/n that Mark was cheating on her in order to splint them easier. She states Mr. Fischbach had made her a copy of the house key in order to get in so she could take Chica while Mark was away at the meet-and-greet. This is a case of libel and defamation not the case of a 'crazy ex' that Mr. and Mrs. Fischbach claim this to be."

"We will start by calling Mrs. Fischbach to the stage to explain what occurred."

I stood up and walked over to the stand. After I had sat down I began to be asked about what had gone down when I found the note. I explained in as much detail as I could what had gone down that night while trying not to look over at Amy, especially when I had to admit Mark and I had a son. I knew she would have a crazy, scary look in her eyes. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Fischbach, next we call Mr. Fischbach to the stand."

"Please tell the jury what happened to you."

I listened as Mark explained his side of the story, he explained how scared he was when he got to the house, how he was so scared Amy was still in the house and might have hurt me or Prometheus if he hadn't made us wait in the car, how scared he was that Amy might not have believed him, even how scared he was of the possibility Amy had already killed Chica.

"Mr. Smith you may call your defendant to the stand." said the judge after Mark sat back down next to me.

"Glady, Ms. Nelson." 

"A few months ago Mark messaged me, saying he was so wrong to press charges against me for trying to stop his and y/n wedding. He told me he felt so stupid for marrying her and that he missed me, that I was the only woman for him, and that he had a plan to get her out of the picture. He laid out the plan for that night I just had to put it into action, I met up with him before the meet-and-greet where he gave me the key to their house. He told me what to write on the note via text the day before and told me where to leave it. What he didn't tell me-"

I watched as she paused trying to play a part of being heartbroken.

"He left out that they have a son." she paused to wipe a fake tear.

"He told me to take Chica and to meet him in our special spot, the place we had been meeting in secret since I had gotten out of jail. We had made love in that spot in between my getting out and the day I stole Chica."

I watched as Mark got pissed off by what he was hearing. I squeezed his hand to reassure him. He looked back at me and nodded. 

"Me being arrested wasn't part of our plan, I assume y/n followed Mark and hid nearby waiting for the perfect chance to strike. I don't know how she followed him without him noticing, maybe she borrowed someone's car. I want to let the jury know I love Mark and Chica and would never ever do anything to hurt them."

"Thank you, Ms. Nelson, we will take a 20-minute recess for the jury to confer about what they have heard so far." Said Judge Wyatt.

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