Chapter 10

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'Goodnight.' Bri said for the fifth time as she and Tony stood outside of her room door.

'Goodnight.' He replied once again and stared down at her smiling.

Tony agreed that they would take their relationship at Bri's speed to that he could prove he wasn't as manipulating as she thought. Bri sighed and gave him a quick kiss before she left him and got into her room. He stood for a minute staring at the door with a big dorky smile on his face. It made him happy to know he had the charm to make someone go from hating him to kissing him goodnight.


Tegan woke up in Steve's arms and a large smile plastered on her face. Obviously today was a day she worked the morning shift at the shop. Trying not to wake Steve she got out of bed and picked up her clothes that was randomly thrown onto the floor. Pulling on her work uniform she walked over to where Steve layed still sleeping and gave him a soft kiss.

Bri knew Tegan worked at the shop this morning so she took the chance to go explain what she walked in on yesterday.

'If it isn't Mrs Stark?' Tegan said when Bri walked in.

Bri rolled her eyes before taking her usual seat.

'What happened to the "I hate him so much" facade?' Tegan asked pouring her a cup of coffee.

'You would have caved too if you saw how sweet he can be.' Bri said starstruck.

Tegan rolled her eyes and returned behind the counter. The shop was empty so talking about Tony in the open wouldn't be a problem.

'Did you sleep with him last night?' Tegan asked wiggling her brows.

'No, we're taking it slow.' Bri said slightly embarrassed.

'Oh-' Tegan said trailing off.

She was hoping that the answer would be yes so that when she told the news about her and Steve it would be less awkward.

'What?' Bri asked narrowing her eyes at her.

'Well-' Tegan began in her usual embarrassed voice.

Bri was a smart woman and knew exactly what she was going to say.

'I'm going to have to burn my sheets, Rogers better be willing to give me money to pay for more.' Bri said smirking.

Tegan turned bright red just as the door swung open.

'Here you are Miss Donaldson, morning papers.' The familiar newspaper boy said.

Tegan gave him his pay and took the papers from him before gasping.

'What?' Bri asked hastily.

Tegan merely tossed her the paper.


'Jarvis, please wipe out the entire cities camera files that include Miss De Mel an I' Tony said throwing down his morning paper.

The top story of today was "TONY STARK'S NEW MYSTERY WOMAN". Tony was furious and he bet Bri was just as angry. The reason she hated him to start with was at the fault of the paparazzi and now they were publicizing their barely started relationship.

'All of the files are deleted Mr Stark.' Jarvis said a moment later.

Tony knew that Bri had left to talk to Tegan so he needed to figure out how he would apologize. It was his fault after all that they couldn't have a normal relationship.

'Jarvis, can you order the newest diamond necklace and get it sent here by lunch?' Tony said putting down his much.

Jarvis complied and Tony left to work on his upcoming project; Hulk Buster. If the Hulk Buster went as planned then Bri would propose the idea to Fury who might let her work on stuff other than Hydra links. Tony knew that if the idea when exactly as they planned that Bri would be happy enough to trust him more than she did now.

'Jarvis where is Miss De Mel?' Tony asked absentmindedly.

'Having coffee with Miss Tegan Donaldson.' Jarvis said in his usual voice.

Tony weighed the name. Tegan Donaldson was obviously the one who interrupted their special moment with Rogers. Tony knew he could use her to find the way directly to Bri's heart. He put down his tools and rubbed his temples.

'Bri, why must you be so lovely?' He asked with a sigh.

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