Chapter 13

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Bri drove to Stark tower and prayed that Tony wasn't there. She was planning on leaving her car there, grabbing her stuff and heading back to her house. Climbing into the elevators the women at the front desk gave his wavering looks. Perhaps it was the tear stained face and running mascara?


'What did you want to talk about, Tony?' Pepper said in seductive voice.

'Cut the crap.' Tony snapped.

Pepper looked slightly taken back but regained her composer quickly.

'Tony, what would you want with a simple girl like her compared to me?'

'I want everything with her! Don't you understand? You broke up with me and I've moved on with the most amazing woman and now you've ruined it!' He said angrily.

'A simple fib doesn't mean that she needed to go and breakup with you.' Pepper said snippy tone.

'A simple fib? You're tarnishing my reputation by saying I only get with woman until they give me what I want! I used to consider you my life until you broke my heart and now that I've fallen in love with someone else you messed it all up! We both know the truth is that I only go to the next step with a woman when I'm sure I love her!' He said as tears found their way out of his eyes.

Just as he wiped away his tears the elevator dinged and Pepper crashed her lips against his. He struggled against her until she finally let go. The retreating figure of Bri could just be seen clear enough before the elevator shut.

'Get out.' Tony said to Pepper in a dangerously low voice.

She looked at him for a moment until he looked up.

'GET OUT!' He yelled causing her to hastily leave.

When she was gone he lost it. The tears came in spurts between flashes of anger. There's no way Bri would forgive him after seeing Pepper all over him. He threw one of his pictures on the floor out of anger and crumbled down with it when he realized it was him and Bri at the carnival; their fifth date.


Bri ran as fast as she could to the busy street and hailed a cab. Tony and Pepper were already back together in less than three hours of Bri and Tony's breakup? She wiped away her constantly streaming tears and angrily gave the drive directions to S.H.I.E.L.D.

'Miss De Mel, everything alright?' The receptionist asked.

'Fine.' She said running faster towards Nick's office.

She knocked on the door and he opened it within seconds but it wasn't Nick.

'De Mel? Are you alright?' The handsome man said in front of her.

Pietro Maximoff was a young man with silvery hair and a thick accent. Bri shook her head and ignored the fresh batch of tears that were streaming down her face.

'Miss De Mel, can you wait a moment while I finish my meeting with the twins?' Nick said.

Fury was an amazing mined man but did he ever not understand when someone needed help with their love life.

'No, Nick, she needs to see you now.' Pietro said.

He wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulders and lead her into the room. Bri had always thought Pietro was handsome when she worked directly at S.H.I.E.L.D.

'Poor thing.' Wanda said.

Bri hated when she read her mind but at the moment she couldn't be more grateful that she didn't need to explain the situation. Pietro led her to a chair and sat her down, still rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. She explained them the whole story as Wanda filled in the parts that hurt to much to repeat. Finally, Nick spoke.

'I think that Mr Stark will grant you a period of time off to regain your composer but I'm afraid that you need to continue working for him.'

Bri had finally calmed down and nodded before leaving. What did she except? Fury to just give her old job back because her personal issues?

'Don't worry about Stark, he's not worth it if he let a beautiful girl like you go.' Pietro said as they walked out of the office together.

She looked up at him with her swollen, red eyes.

'Beautiful?' She repeated in a whisper.

'I've seen you around for a while and wanted to ask you out sometime.' He said in his usual charming accent.

She weighed her options. Tony had obviously moved on so why couldn't she? There weren't rumors about Pietro sleeping with every woman so he obviously was a genuine guy.

'That'd be nice.' She said smiling through her tears.

He smiled at her as they continued walking.

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