Chapter 3: Cuffed

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~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter 3~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~

It wasn’t long until the sun started to fall from the sky, and the smell of marsh mellows and food filled the air. Daniel was sitting next to his new best friend, Carl; stuffing his face with marsh mellows. Andrea and I were making our way towards the dim fire, where I saw how big the group really was.

Merle and Daryl weren’t around, thank God, but all of these people just stared at me. Shane was standing behind the fire, holding a glass of juice from my food, well, it wasn’t mine anymore.

“Special thanks to our newest members for this great food, Mariah and Daniel,” Shane said, and with that there was a little clapping. Daniel put another marsh mellow on his stick; I believe this was his 8th one. I felt my face go red in embarrassment when everyone clapped.

I like being in a group; just being accepted like this makes me feel needed and wanted. Good thing Merle and Daryl aren’t here to ruin it. There were two people who were missing. Ed and Carol. All of us know that he beats the poor older woman, yet none of us do anything. Well, if I catch the dick head touching her, then he will hope he is dead.

Shane handed me a stick with a marsh mellow on the end, putting another marsh mellow on a cracker with chocolate on it. I grabbed the stick, sending him a thankful smile. We ate marsh mellows, made a few sandwiches for the ones who were really hungry, including Danny and myself. “No, really, eat as much as you want. It’s your food now,” I insisted, smiling.

Shane shook his head, gathering the food. “We need this to last; we don’t know how long the outbreak will last,” Shane said as people started to clear out into their tent. I sat up, realizing how tired I was. Daniel and I would already be asleep in the car by now, so we weren’t really used to this. “Who has extra tent space?” Shane asked.

“We can sleep in a car for now, we’re used to it,” I yawned, pulling Danny closer to me. I would much rather prefer to have him next to me instead of with some stranger. Shane nodded, and walked over to the R.V.

“There is a bed in there; hey Dale, can they sleep here during your shift? And when your watch is over you can sleep where I do,” Shane said to the older man that was standing on top of the R.V. Dale nodded, sitting under his little umbrella. Well that’s kind of them, letting us sleep in a bed instead of a car, or even a tent.

Daniel and I walked inside the R.V. after helping out with cleaning our food mess. The bed was fluffy and soft, and it was much better than sleeping on the car seats, let alone the ground. Daniel curled up into a ball and fell asleep immediately, but I found it more difficult to sleep… again. So much has happened today. I witnessed my dog being shot and killed, stabbed a living man in the foot, found a group, ate some smores, what more could happen tonight? Oh boy, I don’t want to jinx myself.

Letting a small smile creep on my face, thinking about how lucky my brother and I are for being accepted into such a caring group. Although a lot of thoughts kept me up, I closed my eyes and eventually drifted into a nice sleep. 

         ~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ The Next Morning~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ 

I felt someone shake my shoulder, making me jolt up in surprise. Morning light shone brightly through the windows of the R.V., making me squint a little bit. Andrea was at the foot of the bed, her hand reached to my shoulder. “We are leaving soon, so get ready,” Andrea whispered, making sure not to wake Daniel. I nodded, stretching my arms out as I yawned quietly.

With that, Andrea left and I found myself lying back down, my arms around Danny. I placed a kiss on his head, squeezing him tightly to my chest. Daniel shifted around, closing his eyes tighter. He was always cranky in the morning. I smiled and kissed him on his forehead again. “I’ll be back,” I whispered to him, slowly putting the blankets off me.

Stuck With Him (The Walking Dead Fan Fiction) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now