Chapter 25: Dead

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Chapter 25: Dead

My heart was caught in my throat, and I was never this afraid in my life. The look on the faces of the walkers showed me that they were hungry, and that they knew that I wasn’t what I appeared to be.

I quickly let my hands fumble at my gun, barely managing to grab it due to my shaky hands. “Oh god, oh god! Merle, Daryl, get out of here!” I cried, not wanting them to get exposed either.

Grabbing my gun finally, I pointed it to the nearest face of a walker, which was right behind me. I shot off the first bullet, which seemed to be louder than it really should be. Merle, despite my order, grabbed for his gun and shot a few walkers.

Daryl pointed his crossbow to another walker, and I hated that they did this. We were all going to be killed now for my stupid mistake of bringing the walkie-talkie. We are all going to be killed.

“I’m clearin’ a path!” Daryl said, pointing to a building that has an accessible roof. I shot the faces off of the walkers that went too close to Merle, and then I looked over to where Daryl was talking about.

He was right. He shot down a few walkers and made a clear path out of this mess. It lead into a building of some sort, but I was too startled to notice what it was for.

“Go!” Merle ordered, pushing me in front of him so I could follow Daryl. I was hesitant to allow Merle to get out of my sights, but I didn’t want to waste any time with arguing. We don’t have any time to waste. We are being attacked by all of the walkers in Woodbury!

I did manage to grab Merle’s hand, allowing his knife attachment to still go and stab some walkers we passed. I pulled Merle along as I ran after Daryl, who cleared the path from any walkers.

Before we got into the building, I felt a pair of cold hands grab onto my wrist (the one I used to grab Merle).

I turned around to be faced with a walker grabbing onto Merle’s shoulder and its other hand grabbed my wrist. Before the walker could sink in its rotted teeth into Merle, I used my other hand to shoot it in its damned head.

The walker fell and we continued to run. Not even a minute after this happened I felt Merle’s grip on my hand loosen then let go. I whipped around and saw Merle grab a walker and stick his knife into its face. Good, he’s fine.

We were so close to the building now, and I was grateful for that. Daryl was holding up his own and doing quite well when it came to pushing off the walkers. We are going to make it! We’ll be ok! I congratulated myself.

That congratulating thought vanished in an instant when I heard the sound of flesh tearing from bone, followed with a painful groan. I whipped around, my eyes wide and my fingers trembling. What I saw made my throat tighten and it made my eyes widen.

Merle had a walker clinging to his shoulder with its teeth, blood squirting onto the rotten thing’s face. I screamed, “No!” then shot off three bullets into the walker’s face.

I felt like falling to the ground in defeat but Merle wrapped his arm around me and guided my shaking figure into one of the buildings. My heart was beating through my chest and my feet were not supporting me. Though I was blinded by my tears, Merle still managed to get me inside the building before a walker could latch its jaws onto me.

Daryl closed the door behind me, and he had gone three shades paler when he saw Merle’s wound. I could see his face contort into an angry cry, his fist balled up as he punched the nearest wall.

“To the roof, the geeks are gonna’ break down the doors,” Merle said, his arm still around me to stop me from falling. Daryl shook his head to get himself together, then led the way upstairs. He kicked open the door that led to the roof, and Merle helped me follow him.

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