Chapter 17: Damn It Merle!

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 ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter 17~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

Mariah’s Point Of View:

My eyes slowly opened and I woke to a headache pounded the back of my skull.

“Welcome back,” the chilling voice of the Governor sounded once my eyes were fully open. I tried to move my hands but they were tied to the chair I sat on. There was a table between the Governor and I, and he sat on the other side of it with his hand hovering over his pistol. “You almost got away, Mariah. I knew something was up with you and Merle. You led your brother’s group here,” he said and in the end he chuckled.

Narrowing my eyes, I spit at the Governor. “Go to hell. You know that Merle and I never did that. I don’t even know if my brother is even fucking alive!” I snapped at him. “Let alone know where the fuck they are,” I growled at them.

The Governor smiled, and then leaned forward. “Well, they got your Merle. And I suppose they don’t want you either since they aren’t even trying to get you out of here,” he said.

“Maybe they aren’t trying to get me because they don’t even know I’m here,” I growled. I didn’t lead that group here. It pisses me off how the Governor is blaming Merle and I.

“Merle does,” the Governor chuckled. My mouth opened but no words came out. Merle does know I am still here, but how the hell is he supposed to get in and get me? He probably has no idea where I am, then again… if he left that would really suck.

The Governor chuckled at my loss for words, then stood up. His eye-patch was slowly leaking blood and I wondered who did that to him. “Keep an eye on her for me, will ya’?” the Governor asked someone behind me.

I turned my head to see whom he was talking to, and it was Martinez. I glared at him angrily. I can’t believe he would be on the Governor’s side when he knew me. He. Knew. Me.

Martinez nodded, then stepped into my view as the Governor left the room. We were in the chamber, but I didn’t really know which room we were in. Once the Governor was out of the room, Martinez sat down across from me.

“You know I didn’t lead them here,” I said simply. “Jessica was my best friend here, do you really think that I would lead someone here to get her killed?” Martinez glared at me at the name of Jessica. I kept my gaze set on his, not wanting to make him feel guilty. He should feel guilty.

After a few minutes of silence, Martinez spoke. “Then how did they know where Woodbury was? Who could have possibly shown them? I am really trying to convince myself that you and Merle didn’t do this but I don’t know who else could,” Martinez said. He had a stone hard expression, but in his eyes I saw sadness.

“It wasn’t us. I swear it wasn’t. Martinez, I’m sorry about Jessica. I shot the bastard who did kill her, if I was on their side, I wouldn’t have even shot at them in the first place,” I said. Martinez looked down, and I was dying to hear his thoughts. “The Governor is going to kill me if I stay here. He is going to torture me and I know it. Just now I realized that he isn’t the man I thought he was. Martinez, you have to let me out of here,” I whispered.

He looked up at me, conflict in his eyes. “Mariah I cant. You know I cant,” he said but I knew that I was on the verge of getting him to do so.

Gripping the armrests, I thought of what I could say. “What would Jessica think of you? She would want you to believe me, to let me free,” I said quietly. I saw his eyes water and I felt bad for bringing Jessica into this. Martinez, although he may not seem like it, is actually a sensitive guy.

“If I let you free you are taking me with you,” Martinez said as he went to cut the ropes that binded me to my chair. I was so glad I convinced him to do this. “We can’t go through the door, there are guards there. Our only chance of escaping is through that window,” Martinez whispered as he cut the first rope.

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