Chapter 7: Rejection

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~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter 7~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~

The morning light lit up the room as my eyes fluttered open. I felt something heavy on my sides, and I was pressed against something. I turn my head and saw Merle's arm around me, and he was the thing pressed against me. I gasped and using my hands and feet, I pushed him off the bed.

Merle let out a startled grunt as he landed on the ground, groaning as I heard him slam his head down on the ground. "What the fuck, Merle?" I gasped as I sat up.

"What the fuck to you!" Merle retorted as he forced himself to stand up. Alright, I shouldn't of been so harsh but still. I said I didn't bite, but he was basically spooning me and I am not going to let that just go. "Good lord," Merle groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I frowned, and got up from the bed. I grabbed a new outfit and changed in the bathroom this time, wanting to get out of the little house as soon as possible. My stomach was growling due to the lack of food that I didn't have last night. I quickly had a small bowl of cereal and walked towards the door of the little house.

"Where are ye' off to in such a hurry?" Merle asked. I put my hair up in a bun, knowing that today will be a hot day.

"Anywhere," I replied as I grabbed my knife off my dresser. Merle grunted, and went to get himself ready for the day. Glancing one last time at Merle, I opened the door and walked outside the little house. My sides still tingled from where Merle was "cuddling" me. It bothered me for some reason.

The bright sun made me put my hand up to cast a shadow over my eyes. To be honest, I just wanted to get back into bed and sleep the day away, but this is my third day here, so I need to keep helping out around Woodbury. I was thinking about asking the Governor for shooting lessons, since I was a pretty bad shot.

Speaking of the Governor, I saw him talking to Martinez in the middle of the road. I made my way towards them, putting my knife in my pocket. The two men stopped talking when I walked up to them, and they just glanced at each other when I stopped in front of them.

"Good morning," I greeted, smiling. They nodded in return. "I was wondering if I could have some shooting lessons? If you have the ammunition to spare, that is."

"That sounds like a great idea. We have plenty ammo so that wont be a problem. Martinez, will you show her?" the Governor asked. Martinez shook his head, lifting his shoulders up in a shrug. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why not.

Noticing the looks we were giving him, Martinez said, "Look I cant, Bowman and I are goin' supply hunting in a few minutes so I cant." The Governor frowned, and lifted his chin as if he remembered something.

"Oh- yes. We are going supply hunting. We'll give you a gun to practice, but don't shoot it off on the streets. We have a shooting range towards the back wall, so you can ask who ever to help you out with the aiming. Martinez, go get a gun for her and then show her where the shooting range is," the Governor said before walking off. Well that's nice of him. He is giving me a gun; maybe he'll return the one I had to give up.

Martinez gave a curt nod to the Governor before walking off quickly to get me my weapon. There was a tree in the middle of the road, and I leaned against it. I need to think of someone to help me out on shooting. But Martinez and whoever Bowman is, is going off on a supply hunt. Damn it. I sighed, and decided to just shoot by myself. I would be wasting ammo like that, but oh well.

He came back only a couple minutes later with a clean silver pistol with a few loaded magazines. "There you go. Try not to waste a lot, and if there is a biter shoot it down the first time," Martinez said before running off after the Governor. The gun was heavy and large, a lot larger than the one I had previously owned. Wait a second; Martinez forgot to show me where the shooting range is! Fuck. I sighed, and started to walk to what the Governor said was the 'back wall'.

Stuck With Him (The Walking Dead Fan Fiction) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now