Newer News!

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Ah so I finally updated.

Time to celebrate! Yes, this has been WAY over due. I must apologize, but just one more chapter to go and then BOOM. We are done with this story. I must say, I've never put this much time and effort into a story like I did with this one.

If you want to see the updated chapter, go to the previous chapter. It should be there :) I kinda replace the News with the updated chapter and then add a new part called news :3

So yeah! I am sorry for not being a frequent updater, but school comes first. And school takes up like 90% of my time, and the 10% goes to homework.

Seems about right.

Thanks for being understanding, and I hope you enjoy!

Also! My friend from school recently joined wattpad and we'd both really appreciate it if you checked out her stories. She is an excellent writer and really creative, so I'd recommend her stories! Her name is TheCostaBlanca! Go check her out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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