Chapter 6: Surprise

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~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter 6~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~

I got off my shift when it was a little after dark and I was glad to get back. The heat gave me sunburns on my neck, face, and shoulders. Those were the only places that actually hurt. I was walking to my little house and I groaned at the thought of being around Merle again. I kept on forgetting how bad of a guy he actually is. He killed my dog for defending me, and I am starting to forgive him. I don't want to forgive him until he says he's sorry for doing it.

Which will probably not happen. I opened the door and found Merle with his hands behind his back as if he was holding a surprise. I sighed and closed the door behind me, walking past Merle and going to the kitchen.

"Why are ya' always ignorin' me?" Merle asked, balling his only fist. I turned to him, seeing him walk towards me. Instead of him making his way to me, I walked to him, wanting to get this off my chest for quite a while.

"I don't know, Merle. You only killed my dog and told my brother that I wouldn't come back alive. And guess what? I didn't come back at all!" I snapped. I knew it was my fault that we were away from them, but if Merle hadn't been a jackass then maybe we would all be together.

Merle's face got red with anger. "Tha' dog attacked me! And it would of jus' put everyone in danger," Merle said as if he cared what happened to the other people in the group.

"She had a muzzle on!" I snapped back, standing in front of him. I tried to look intimidating, but it failed when I realized that Merle was much taller than I was.

"Tha' didn't stop 'er from barkin'!" he argued, his gray/blue eyes piercing my bright green ones. Thinking of another thing to tell him why I am so pissed off at him, I felt my fists clench tightly.

"And telling my brother that I wasn't going to come back alive?" I asked, biting my lip in fear of losing this argument. Merle was getting me pissed off and he was trying to make it look like everything was my entire fault. He started this mess.

Merle chuckled, making my eyes narrow in anger. "Tha' kid needs to grow a pair of balls if that scared him," he said. That just did it. He was now making fun of my brother, and I am not going to take that. I let my fist fly towards his face, anger surging through out my body.

Expecting to hit his face, I felt something else. It felt like I hit a rock, like I hit a metal door. I look down and see Merle block my fist with his fist, but it wasn't just his fist. It had a metal attachment to it, and the sight of my flying fist crash against that made a shiver run up my spine. I felt my knuckles crack against the hard metal, and that feeling sent agonizing pain all through out my hand.

Merle and I retracted our hands, and I saw regret in Merle's eyes. "Oh fuck, Mariah!" Merle said as I stumbled backwards. My hand was a blue/yellow/grey color as a bruise immediately took place. Tears of pain automatically rolled down my cheeks as the pain took over my body. I fell backwards, landing on my back as I cradled my hand to protect it from any further damage.

I was letting out sobs of pain as Merle reached down to help me. "Don't touch me!" I screamed at him, using my legs to kick him away from me. I saw Merle's expression change from regret to hurt as he stopped trying to grab me. He ran out of the room, letting me let out these pathetic cries.

My hand was broken. I just punched Merle's metal fist and now my hand is broken. I felt it difficult to breath since I am a bit in shock, and my hand was limp like a ragdoll against the ground.

The door bursted open and I heard Merle. I gritted my teeth and hissed," Get him away from me!" I felt Dr. Stevens help me to my feet, and I heard the Governor asking Merle what happened as they walked outside. Dr. Stevens guided me to the bed, letting me sit while she brought out a bag of medical supplies. My cheeks were numb with tears as I felt her lift up my hand. It stung to even touch my hand, but I bit my tongue hard enough to not cry out in pain.

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