Chapter 10: Supply Hunt

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~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter 10~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~

I have never felt this good in the longest time. Not once did I think that I enjoyed a shower that much, and I felt squeaky-clean. Dirt, sweat, and blood were no longer covering my face, and I smiled when I looked back at myself in the mirror. Before the outbreak, I wasn’t really in the best shape. Believe it or not, I was pretty thick. Since then, I have a flat stomach and I have toned legs and arms. If I would of known the apacolypse would get me into shape I would of asked for it sooner. Just kidding.

Looking around the bathroom, I realized I completely forgot to bring in my change of clothing. I groaned. Wrapping a towel around my body, I made sure that I was covered.

“Hey Merle,” I called out.

“Yeah?” I heard him say back.

“Can you get me some clothes? I kinda forgot too…” I said, opening the door slightly. Merle chuckled and I heard him open my dresser drawers. I shivered since it was cold in the rooms, and I just came out of a hot shower.

Oping the door again, Merle walked into view and handed me a baggy shirt, panties, and that’s it. “Really?” I asked as I rolled my eyes. Merle laughed and I closed the door on him. I removed the towel and put on the baggy shirt, then the panties. The shirt must have been Merle’s since it was WAY too big for me. It reached a little farther than my hip.

Wrapping my hair in a small towel, I yawned loudly. I walked out of the bathroom and towards my dresser. Merle wolf whistled to me as his eyes searched my body.

“Oh shut up Merle,” I snapped as I towel-dried my hair until it stopped dripping. “Keep it up and you are sleeping on the floor,” I warned Merle. I know I like Merle, I like him a lot, but I am too tired to do anything.

The room was cold and I was shivering. I wish we had heaters, but all we have are blankets. Hopefully it’ll be warmer tomorrow. Grabbing the brush from the dresser, I started to brush my hair quickly. I was dyinig for sleep, and I was so cold. I just want to be wrapped up in those fluffy blankets. The craving for wine still lingered inside me, and I found myself walking over to the fridge, all while brushing my hair.

Grabbing a couple glasses, I set the brush down on the kitchen counter. “Apple wine or grape?” I asked Merle.

“I don’ care,” Merle replied as he walked after me, “Thought ya’ were tired?” I shrugged, pouring the apple wine in our glasses. When the glasses were full, I handed Merle one and put the wine bottle back into the mini-fridge.

Sipping the wine, I leaned on the counter. “I’m tired but I’ve been wanting wine for a while,” I yawned as I took another sip of the wine. We quickly finished the wine and my craving for it disappeared. Now I can sleep in peace. I walked over to the bed and collapsed on it, letting out a long, tired groan. “I’m so tired,” I said.

Merle turned off the lights as I crawled on the side of the bed that was against the wall. My eyes were drooping and my hair was still damp, but I am too tired to dry it completely. I lie on my side of the bed, the right side, and I just stare at the ceiling. Merle got into the bed next to me, then put the thick blankets over my shivering body.

“Ye’ cold?” Merle asked. I looked at him, my teeth chattering. I nodded, barely able to see his face in the darkness. Merle pulled me closer to him so that I could feel his body heat. I was still shivering, and I couldn’t help it. I rested my head on his arm as he wrapped his other arm around me.

Looking up to him, I found my green eyes lost within Merle’s stone blue/grey ones. Lifting my chin, I placed my lips gently on his, closing my eyes. Merle kissed me back, his hand gripping my hair. I felt warm inside, and my shivering was decreasing as our lips moved together perfectly.

Stuck With Him (The Walking Dead Fan Fiction) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now