28. The Youngblood touch

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"But . . .but . . ." Cassie stuttered with her eyes widened in chock, "How can that be?"

Dr Marcus looked peculiar at her.

"What do you mean?"

Cassie shook her head like she could not believe it even though everything Dr Marcus had shown her and told her started to dawn on her.

"But I had my period!" Cassie whined.

"Oh, that, " Dr Marcus smiled at her, "It's quite common actually. Some women go through entire pregnancy's having their periods every month. It's been known to happen."

Cassie's mouth fell.

"You have to be kidding me!" she blurted out without thinking.

Then as she saw Dr Marcus change her posture, Cassie knew that she had really put her foot in it.

The woman folded her arms over her chest and gave Cassie a stern gaze with her lips pursed.

"Excuse me?"

Blushing beet red, Cassie really felt like she wanted to vanish on the spot.

"I'm sorry, " she swallowed hard and gave Dr Marcus an apologetic shrug of her shoulders, "I really am. I wasn't prepared for this. . ."

Dr Marcus stared back at her, her posture was the same, but a hint of a smile was beginning to show on her lips.

"So, does this change anything?" she asked, even though she could tell just by looking at Cassie's face that it did.

Cassie blinked a few times as she thought about it. The realization that it had to be Billy's almost knocked the wind out of her. Taking a few deep breaths of air, she tried to collect herself.

"Uhu, " she nodded softly with a silent sniff, "I guess it does."

~ ~ ~

Kyle stood leaning against his car that was parked next to the curb outside the hospital, and as he looked up through his sunglasses he spotted Cassie when she cleared the big doors at the entrance. A small smirk flashed across his face when he saw her surprised look when she spotted him.

"Cassandra, " he greeted her and opened the passenger door to allow her to climb in.

Cassie raised her brow in questioning, making no effort to climb inside.

"Kyle? I am sorry, but what are you doing here?"

The smile was still on his face, and he chuckled silently at her chocked expression.

"Lisa told me to come and get you, " he told her and then arched a brow at her, "But I honestly thought this was going to be a long wait, she told me it would take hours. Are you already done?"

She shook her head at him.


Kyle moved closer and he landed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

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