chapter 21 La historia del abuelo perdido de Anahí Díaz

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Back in 1965 Rose Andrade ran into Raul Diaz running from his family, because he wanted to be a cook and a chef, But his family wanted him to be in a teacher. then Rose pulled him into the restaurant that her family owned then told him "escóndete en la cocina si usted qiuere" rose father comes in saying "that the person that was supposed to show up on there first day of work never showed up." Then Rose tells her dad "well Raul Diaz is here and he's a cook" rose's dad looks at Raul Diaz and asked him "how old are you kid?" Raul Diaz responded with "I am 17 sir and I can cook anything you'd like sir" Rose father replied " we are currently looking for people that take orders and bring the food to our customers though later on we can teach you our menu " Raul taking the offer says " yes sir thank you " as time went by days went on the person that was supposed to work on there first day. Finally showed up he begged rose father for a second chance asking and explaining what happened that day. Rose's dad felt sorry and offered time the dishwasher position. Back to the present Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek ran into Jose Castillo was in Guerrero Mexico to see his grandpa Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek asked Jose Castillo "may we follow you to meet your grandfather?" Jose Castillo responded "with ok let's go there together." Once there Jose Castillo "yells out in his grandpa's house saying "oye abuelito hay dos personas queriendo conocerte." Then his grandpa yells back "Déjalos entrar hay suficiente comida para los cinco." Once in front of Jose Castillo grandparents Anahi Diaz tells them "hola soy anahi diaz y esta es beom seok my finance." Jose Castillo grandpa responded with "¿Acabas de decir que tu nombre de Las es Díaz?" Anahi Diaz responded with "si Por qué lo preguntas?" Then Jose Castillo's grandpa responded with "en primer lugar, lo siento por tu pérdida, Raúl Díaz era mi mejor amigo, a pesar de que se llevó a la primera mujer por la que sentí, era divertido pasar el rato con él." Anahi Diaz responded with "conociste a mi abuelo?" Then Jose Castillo's grandpa responded with "por supuesto que sí trabajamos juntos él era el cocinero y yo era el lavaplatos del restaurante de tu bisabuelo mi nombre es Javier Castillo." Then Anahi Diaz responded with "tu y mi abuelo eran amigos?" Then Javier Castillo responded with "Si tu abuelo y yo somos amigos y también tratamos de estar con rose tu abuela." Then Javier Castillo told Anahi Diaz "ahora tu abuela puede haber elegido a tu abuelo tu abuelo y yo seguíamos siendo amigos porque la amistad siempre es más fuerte que cualquier rivalidad." Anahi Diaz asked Javier Castillo "por favor tengo que saber como murio mi abuelo" Javier Castillo responded with 'Poco después, cuando regresaste a Estados Unidos, tres ladrones arrestados ahora irrumpieron en la casa de tus abuelos y robaron el collar de esmeraldas de tu abuela que él le compró cuando vio que tenía un ataque al corazón. Tu abuela me llamó a mí y a la ambulancia, pero ya era demasiado tarde. yo o la ambulancia vinimos espero que tu abuela esté mejor ahora han pasado 2 años y espero que recupere el collar de esmeraldas." Then Anahi Diaz responded with "no te preocupes lo encontré y se lo devolví."

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