chapter 47 one last gift for Christmas Eve

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Beom Soek got 2 of his gifts for his fiance one was her favorite kpop the Royal King's band CD autographed by all the members, the second gift was a golden and Ruby jewelry set, As Beom Soek looked for the last gift, a man who was dressed like Santa Claus walks up to him and asked him. "Excuse me sir are you feeling ok?" then Beom Soek responded with "I'm just stressed out of my mind looking for the last gift to get my wife." The guy who was dressed up like Santa Claus responded with "well I see two gifts there isn't that enough my friend?" Beom Soek responded with "Normally yes but this time she asked me to surprise her." The guy who was dressed up like Santa Claus responded with "Oh I understand now, you want to see her happy and surprised am I correct my friend?" Beom Soek responded with "Yes that's correct sir." Then the guy who was dressed up like Santa Claus responded with "Ah I know just the thing to make her happy for this Christmas." As *he reached for a Sagittarius Themed jewelry set, and gives it to Beom Soek.* Beom Soek responded with "thank you kind sir!, if there's anything I can do for you sir please let me know" then the guy that was dressed up like Santa Claus responded with "well all you need to do is stay on the nice list Beom." Then Beom Soek responded with "Will do mister. wait how did you know my name was -Beom?" Then the guy who was dressed up like Santa Claus disappeared. Then Beom Soek paid for the 2 jewelry sets then started to head home, when he gets home Anahi Diaz was asleep then he wrapped up the presents for Anahi Diaz, as he was done wrapping up the presents he puts them under the Christmas tree where Anahi Diaz can find them. Then Beom Soek falls asleep, the 3 days later Anahi Diaz wakes up Beom Soek and tells him "Merry Christmas sleepy head now wake up baby." Beom Soek responded with "Baby it's Christmas Eve though." Anahi Diaz responded with "So I'm Mexican we celebrate Christmas on the 24th not the 25th." Beom Soek responded with "well would you like to open one gift before Christmas day to make you feel better?" Anahi Diaz*nodded her head yes* then Beom Soek responded with Alright then they go to the Christmas tree, then Beom Soek grabbed one of the 3 gifts for Anahi Diaz and then she opened it and saw it was the gold and Ruby jewelry set and she Responded with "Awwww baby this is the best gift ever mi amor." Beom Soek responded with "Wait until you see the other two gifts." Anahi Diaz tells Beom Soek "wait right here and close your eyes really quick Beom Soek responded with "Ok mi amor" he closest his eyes then Anahi Diaz went to the room to get Beom's fist Christmas present form Anahi Diaz.

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